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"It was New Years and I was planning on making an appearance. It had been too long since I left and I decided you at least needed on explanation.

I flew to Seattle, called Louis and had him call you to spend New Years with him. I know you wouldn't decline.

As I was waiting for his answer, I decided to wait in a coffee shop since the snow just didn't stop.

Just as I was about to go inside, I saw you. You were at the very back, your face focused on the inside of a coffee cup, your face in this adorable pout, looking at it." I was at that coffee shop to retrieve Gabriel's message to me.

"My heart shrunk. For some reason, seeing you made me sad. It brought too many memories.

You were wearing this black shirt. I just couldn't help but notice how it resembled the shirts I used to wear.

Your hair was long, it was this healthy blonde color, your nails were also done, your cheeks red from the cold, your skin was moist. I could see the drops of melted snow from all the way from street.

I stood there for a moment and watched you. It was surely not a coincidence that I saw you first." Harry watched me that day. He escaped right through my fingertips like sand.

"I was surprised when you took the top off of your coffee since you never really fully manage to put it back on and I was right when you spilled it on you.

I knew all these things about you, my heart would beat for you but you were so far away.

I decided to look at your beautiful face as long as I could. You were stressed, that was obvious, I just wanted to know why and tell you it would be alright." I was getting ready for my mission that night.

"Then you got up, walked to the front where I was so I walked to the left of the store, a tiny thing in me hoped that you would turn this way and bump into me. You made a right and I watched you walk away again, just like the time I stayed outside the Plaza and watched you go away with Louis at one in the morning the day I left you the note. It hurt just as much.

Twenty minutes later I got a call from Louis and he said you were sleeping with your contractor and you were gonna spend New Years with him. " His eyes burn with sorrow. It was a lie, an excuse for what I was doing.

"Turns out its not only Sky who has secrets!" Logan cheers. He knows too much and he is not scared of exposing them. Harry is confused.

"What?" His eyes glisten under the light hanging from the ceiling.

"I wasn't sleeping with my contractor. I was working with the FBI." I confess and Harry gets even more confused.

"I was arrested for carrying white heroin in New York and I made a deal with the FBI. I would use my reputation on the streets to take down drug cartels and they would keep me out of jail, for some time. New Years was my last mission and thats why I lied to Louis and told him that. Thats why I got into jail after New Years and got this scar!" I look up at the scar on my forehead and Harry smiles at the tiny suture wound.

"I guess what we learn from this morbid love story is be honest kids!" Logan pulls us apart once again.

"Shut the fuck up you asshole!" Harry screams and manages to throw a kick right at his face when they try to make him walk to the farthest side of the room.

Logan stands for awhile, his face turned to the side from the fast kick. He then spits some blood.

"You shouldn't have done that!" He yelps and punches Harry in the face. I start screaming and he throws another punch. Harry falls to the floor.

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