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"What are you doing here?" I hear Harry yell and take a breathe before I turn around.

I find Louis squished against the wall, his eyes locked in mine, Harry's hands on his collar.

"Stop!" I say and pull Harry off. Anne and Gemma shriek when I don't even blink an eye.

"Where did you go? I thought he did something!?" Louis yells frantically and Harry looks like a bull, about to kill its target. I put my hands on both of their chests, standing in between.

"Anne" I say and point to the women on the hospital bed, completely forgotten her pain, watching like its a soap opera, "is having pains and Gemma" I point to the girl who has her chin on the floor "called me to help her." I say and Louis' eyes soften, only to harden once they find Harry's.

Anne whimpers again suddenly and the tension between Louis and Harry breaks, both of them focusing on the wounded women. I take that as my cue and move out from in between them and rush to Anne.

"Did you have chipotle recently honey?" I ask and Anne laughs, her attention focusing back on me. I don't want to drag her into this. Whatever this is.

"Mrs Twist, we can take you in for an ultrasound." The nurse that enters the room and walks up to Anne's gurney. She steps on the locks and the gurney becomes mobile. She says that only one can accompany her and Gemma gets up only from a glance from her mother. I wave at them as they slowly leave the room, leaving me an angry Harry and a confused Louis. Fuck.

The door clicks closed and Harry's gaze pierces through Louis. Fuck.

"What the hell are you doing here? What would I do to her huh?" Harry yells and Louis looks unaffected as he leans on the wall and stares at me.

"How did you find us Lou?" I ask, my voice soft and casual, ignoring Harry.

"I still know people around. I just asked. When I heard you guys came to the hospital, I thought- I thought he hurt you..." Louis says directly to me.

"Well I'm alright. We came here to see Anne. You can leave if you want." I say and sit down on one of the chairs on the other side of the room.

"Well fuck he is leaving. Right fucking now." Harry scowls.

"Harry why are you doing this? He is our friend. My best friend. Calm your fucking tits." I say and Louis holds in a giggle. It lightens the mood slightly. Men and their desire to claim things. He can't own me, limit who I talk to.

"Come Louis, lets get a cup of coffee." I say and get up. Harry watches us leave, his mouth open.

We leave the room and I know being with his mom is hard and me leaving him alone is harder but he needs to understand that Louis is my best friend and he will never be anything but that. Besides, I am still hurt from his tantrum that was only half an hour ago.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Louis asks when he holds out his arm and I hold onto it, for support. I need it. I am fucking exhausted.

"I don't fucking know." I say and put my head on Louis' shoulder as we go down in the elevator. He pats my cheek with his other hand and I sigh with relief. I really feel like I can sleep for 12 hours.

I sit down in the white canteen and Louis grabs us two coffees. He puts the plastic cup in front of me and I watch the hot steam drift into the air for a while.

"He is an asshole. I'm sorry." I whine and drink my coffee when its down to a consumable temperature. Louis already has his halfway finished and I am pretty sure the first three layers of his tongue are burnt.

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