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"Oh no." I stand up straight as Logan holds me by my arms.

"What?" He looks so scared, I know I look like I have seen a ghost.

"Its just vomit. Nothing I have never dealt with before." He tries to make a joke about the harshness of the training.

Harry used a condom. Right? I was too drunk to remember that.

"Logan I need to go." He can't know I am pregnant. He'll kick me out. If I am pregnant, I need to get this baby out of me. But, since I am absolutely broke and can't use my credit card for this, and as a master in jumping to conclusions, I decide to call the possible father.

"Skyler, what are you talking about?" He asks me while I take a mop and start to vigorously mop the floor.

I didn't have my period for months and forgot about it because of my training. I slept with Harry and didn't have my period and over-looked it.

"I need to go Logan. You were great. Perfect. I look forward to doing that again." When I finish mopping the floor, I brush my teeth, wash my hands, get dressed and start to walk out with my phone in my hand.

"Sky! Whats going on?" Logan stands between me and the door.

"Me. I am going." I try to move him but he stands still. His toned pecks press against my chest and he smiles at me cockily, his bare dick, brushing against my jeans.

"You want to know the truth?" I ask and he gathers his arms across his chest like he is boss.

"I am ovulating. I always puke when I am. Now, if you don't want to have a child, let me go and get the Plan B pill." With that he turns green and steps aside.

"You can eat whatever you like or stay the night. Don't wait up." I leave him frozen in the doorway and run down the stairs. A little lie never hurt nobody.

When I get out onto the street, I take out my phone and dial his phone number.

"Skyler?" He opens it on the second ring.

His voice makes me shiver and I continue to walk down the damp streets.

"Its midnight and you are calling me... Whats wrong?" His voice is patchy, he sounds like he is working out or something.

"We need to talk Harry. Its urgent." He then moves from my words and I hear the belt buckle click in the background, he must be getting dressed.

"Okay, I'm listening." He says again. His voice is so panicked, I can see his eyebrows furrow from the phone.

"In person." I make a right and start walking towards downtown Manhattan. I am not going anywhere, I am just trying to shake off the thought of being pregnant.

"You are in Seattle. I can't just pack and leave in the middle of the night-" he starts to ramble and I remember I left him stranded at the hotel room without an explanation.

"I am in New York. I am here." The line goes silent. He is going into shock after shock.

"Uhm- Sky..." He is about to pass out from what I can tell.

"Its important. I wouldn't ask for this if it wasn't. Please, meet me. Do you know the Carl Schruz Park? Its on East 86 and East End Avenue. Please Harry." I sound way too desperate and he panics even more.

"Uhm- yeah sure. I'll meet you there in half an hour." He hangs up and I get into a cab.

I like that park. It has many dogs in it and tulips. Its lovely.

On the road, I think of the possibilities if I am actually pregnant. Will he take me back? Will he cuss me out and hate me?

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