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"Anne!" I force my best smile as I approach the lady on the hospital bed who is just waking up from anesthesia.

Gemma is by her mother side as always, holding her hand and giving her ice since they won't let her properly drink water yet.

Anne looks like she just got run over a truck but thats because she was sleeping for the last hour and a half.

The doctor said everything went smoothly and she would be home tonight and the pipe inside her that collects pee will be out tomorrow.

"Sky? Is that you?" Her voice is rigged and she speaks like she smokes five packets of cigarettes a day.

"Where is my son of a bitch?" She asks all smiles as I raise my eyebrows in shock as Louis starts giggling.

"She is hooked up on some pain killers." Gemma explains and I force a giggle.

"He is on his way." I guess she means Harry and I really hope Harry is on his way.

I want to ask him where my coat is since I left without it and couldn't find it in the waiting room. I hope he has it and its not stolen.

"How are you feeling?" Gemma asks Anne as her door room opens and Harry walks in. For my luck, he doesn't have my coat.

"Hey." His words are cold as he walks beside me and puts his hands on Anne's gurney.

"Hi." I say and move so she can see him.

"My son of a bitch!" Anne yells and Harry looks like he can throw up.

"You told my fucking mom?!" He snarls at me and I back away instinctively when I see him fuming with anger.

"She is on pain killers. She called her doctor a dick." Gemma says, taken aback by Harry's reaction.

Harry huffs and looks at me with eyes that hold regret. I face palm and turn to Louis. He mouths me 'be strong' and I nod before I inhale a breathe.

"Oooh, something is going on between you two!!!" Anne shrieks with her discovery and I face palm again.

"Mum, shut up." Harry cuts her short and now I feel bad.

"No its okay. We are good Anne." I say and she becomes cheerful again.

"I want to nap. Good bye." She closes her eyes like a five year old being tucked in and I leave her side when she does that. I need a smoke.

"I'm sorry Gemma." I say when Anne starts snoring. Harry grunts and sits down on one of the seats. Just last night, he was cupping my butt on those fucking seats.

"Why are you sorry? I'm sorry for her behavior." She smiles at me. I really like Harry's family.

"Sky can we talk?" Harry asks once again and I nod, having no energy in me to stand up against him.

He takes my hand and I don't pull it away just for Gemma's sake. If she is pregnant, she doesn't need all this drama.

We step outside Anne's private room and we continue to walk all the way out of the hospital.

"Do you have a cigarette?" I ask and Harry nods. He takes out his pack and offers me one. He is used to smoke much more when we first met, he has decreased it measurably. He doesn't even smoke some days.

I put it between my lips and Harry lights it. I inhale it and put my hands on my shoulders to protect myself from the cold.

"Do you know where my coat is?" I ask the question I was meaning to since I saw him.

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