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"Skyler. I had a nightmare!" Rose opens her arms to me, sitting up in her bed. I look up to Harry whose eyes are on me, his eyebrows furrowed but his expression soft. I turn back to Rose and rush to her. I embrace her and kiss her forehead realizing she cried in her sleep. Rose has frequent nightmares, about four or five a week, its normally about our real parents death.

"What did you see this time?" I ask as I slowly let her go and Harry sits next to me on the bed.

She wipes her tears before talking, "You were there" she points to Harry. Harry looks baffled but has a silly grin on. Did I almost kiss him? What was I fucking thinking? I have eight months to survive in Jack's and save enough money to buy a house to gain custody of Rose when I am eighteen. Like thats not enough things in my plate at the moment, I almost added Harry to the equation? Im so glad Rose woke up. Maybe the universe does know shit.

"You were there too." Rose points to me, her eyes wide, her small lips still lightly trembling as she spoke. What did she saw that was this horrible?

"Tell me baby." I say and stroke her hair. She looks better and stops crying while I turn to Harry. He turns to me as well, his expression is interested more than scared. Its just a dream right?

My gaze shifts to his pink lips and I am lost in the thought of kissing him. It has been two years since I held someone that way, kissed someone that way. Its good to have someone hold you through the night or kiss your forehead when your feeling low although thats the opposite of what I need right now.

"The first thing I saw was you, Skyler, leaving with a car with me left on the sidewalk." Rose starts separating me from my thoughts. I turn to Rose to give my attention to her rather then Harry's irresistible lips.

"You were leaving because we were 'done' with some mission. Suddenly, you jumped out the car and ran to me and held me, whispering you were never going to leave me and we were done with the struggling part of our life. Than we started walking down this street and Harry was there, walking towards us. I know he should be leaving, but he didn't. We hugged and stuff and told each other we would stick together. Than, we got into this parking lot and a car pulled up. The doors opened and Harry started running away like mad. Skyler, you collapsed on the floor screaming his name but he never looked back." Rose finishes and I get goosebumps. Its too likely to happen in my life to be just a dream. Everyone I ever gave value left me so why not Harry. I look to Harry and he looks disturbed, even embarrassed.

"Its just a dream." I say to Rose even though meaning it for Harry. He doesn't have to be embarrassed for something he didn't do. Its Rose's subconscious, nothing real. Its funny that Rose said this just after I was about to kiss Harry but I didn't kiss him and I don't ever plan to even attempt it ever again.

"C'mon lets go to bed." I say and crawl beside Rose in the bed. Harry gets up from the bed also and makes his way to his.

"Goodnight Harry." Rose says when he closes the light.

"Goodnight Rosalie." Harry adds and I hear him get under the sheets.

"Goodnight sissy." Rose says and I hug her tighter.

"Goodnight baby." I say and Rose turns away from me, pulling her hair up, making herself comfortable. I really miss having her beside me. I will never ever let her be alone like that ever again. I hold her tighter as her breathes slowly calm down. Today was a roller coaster for me. We got Rose back, I had a mental breakdown at the space needle than I almost kissed Harry.

"Sky?" Harry whispers to me. Rose doesn't respond in anyway so she is long gone, asleep. If I answer him he can ask me about the kiss or the dream, either I want to leave unspoken. I don't move in the bed nor speak pretending, I am asleep. I close my eyes slowly and try to slow my breathing. Before I know it, I am actually sleeping.

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