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Surprisingly I am calm. There are three pistols pointing at us with silencers attached to the ends I am calm then I was before they entered.

My breathing comes back to normal and I stand up straight while Harry's eyes are so wide they are about to pop out of his head. He is frozen, not knowing what to do, trying not to faint.

"Will you come to your senses?" Louis asks as he pulls the hem of his suit and adjusts his tie. He dresses in a different suit everyday. Its weird really. Why does he do that? Its not like he has a business meeting everyday. He is not older then 25.

"Her? Sky coming to her senses?! What you fucking did was bullshit Louis! How could you do that to us? They beat me to death! They tortured her. Do you know how hurt she is? Then you come to our fucking rescue like you are not the bastard who did it at the first place. Was that why you were so dumb founded when she called you? You know you failed so you had to rescue us to cover up your fucking fail?" Harry is out of his trans, yelling, his hair swinging from side to side. He is in front of me, one hand around my wrist. He looks like a lion, protecting his territory, roaring, his mane flowing in the wind. It makes me feel better. It makes me feel protected.

Louis stares at Harry hardly then starts laughing. It irritates Harry as he clenches his wheel chair as Louis almost falls to the ground from laughter.

"What? Whats so funny?" I ask when he gets tears in his eyes. Is he fucking mocking us? This little pimp.

"You thought??" He bursts into another series of laughters that makes pig noises in between from excessive giggling.

"You thought I kidnapped you! Why would I do that? I am earning money off your asses! You go deal out my competitors in the business world and I make dollars. I thought you were smart Skyler." Louis wipes under his eyes and comes back to seriousness as I resist to believe what he is saying. That can't be right.

"Whats all this then? The cameras and these son of a bitches?" Harry points to the men covered in FBI clothes and have guns that 50 year old men with beer bellies keep under their pillow.

"Those? I know how you guys shoot and what you are capable of. I am not taking any chances and besides, like I said I have a lot of enemies. I don't know what they said to you about me. Paid you a million dollars to kill me? Who knows. Now, come to your senses because its not me." Louis sits down and sends the men out with one movement of his finger to show his "trust". I still don't believe the bastard but he got me thinking, I'll admit that.

"Ehm" I grunt and sit on the bed beside Harry's wheel chair. I don't know if I should believe Louis. What he says makes sense but when does it not? He is good with words and I am not in the correct state of mind at all.

"Tell me. From the start. Tell me everything." Louis is as serious as a rock as he throws one leg over the other and supports his head by putting one hand under his chin. I look at Harry and clear my throat before starting. Not talking and arguing will go nowhere. Maybe if I talk and get him to talk, he might spill the beans or say something he shouldn't have known.

So I do tell him everything. From me going to Zayn, to his death, to being kidnapped and my conversation with the guys who kidnapped us, leaving the part which the last words of the blue eyed man was 'L'.

He listens carefully and dozes off at some parts, thinking quietly. I hold Harry's hand tightly, trying not to cry as I tell him literally everything.

When I finish, I look at Harry again and he smiles as in 'you did good'. I look at Louis and he is suddenly up on his feet, texting someone on his phone.

"What are you doing? We told you everything! You have to talk back!" Harry yells at Louis but he holds his index finger up at us as he says "hello" to his phone.

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