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I am as red blood when Rose finishes talking. I bury my cheeks in her hair and don't dare to talk as I speed up my steps to Jack's.

"Uhm- Rose." I try to clear up the awkward mess in front of me. She thinks we are a couple but we are not. I can't seem to bring myself to even look at Harry's face. Now, he thinks I am desperate for him.

"Thank you for that Rose. You don't have to worry anymore. I will take care of Sky." Harry jumps in. I am surprised that he is not declining it. Once I had the couple who adopted me deny that they knew me when I knocked over a glass of Coke in a restaurant. I push some of Rose's hair out of my vision so I can see Harry. He is smiling at me, grinning with pleasure from my embarrassment. Why is he doing this? He has no profit, what so ever from doing it. But, he maybe be doing it because I told Jack I would cover for Harry and he might be doing these just so he can stay there free. I mean, him being around me earned him expensive and free clothes, free meals, a bed and someone to spend time with. I would tag along if I was him. If thats the case it means that he is using me and does not have any real emotions towards me. I don't want to go down that road but everything ends up there. Nothing is pure and raw emotional in this dog kill dog world.

I mouth a small 'thanks' to Harry and he nods while we knock on Jack's. Shaun opens the door taking Rose from me when he realizes I am with her.

"Whats your name?" Rose asks with one of the biggest smile on her face when Shaun sits her down in the middle of everyone.

"I'm Shaun. This is Bob, Alice and Jeremy. And finally this guy is someone important Rose, Jack." Shaun introduces everyone to her. She smiles so widely at every single face I promise myself to try with everything I can to make sure she never looses that smile.

"Hi, junior cupcake." Jack says and waves at Rose after looking at me for awhile. Rose asks for my permission with a small nod and I give her when she gets up her seat and runs to Jack to give him a hug. Jack is surprised by it first but the hugs her back, stroking her golden curls as he looks up at me with the most sad eyes I have ever seen. He is sorry for her just like everyone in the room. She doesn't deserve this life and I know it.

"I can look after her tomorrow if your going back to your corner. I am free." Alice whispers as we both look at Rose as she walks back to me.

"That would be great." I say and give Alice a smile when Rose raises her hands asking me to pick her up.

"I am tried." she says when she wraps her arms around me. Its only six but she is so young she gets tired from only that.

"Lets go to bed." I say back to her and wave bye to everyone as I start to walk to our room.

"Are we going to stay here?" Rose asks when I open the door to our room.

"Yes baby." I say and let her down. She immediately moves to the window to look outside.

"Its beautiful." she says looking out, her palms on the glass, her breathe fogging the glass. She looks so cute my heart breaks.

"C'mon, lets go to bed." I say and pull her up onto the bed. I realize Harry brought our bags inside the room. I didn't realize him leaving my side the whole time we were down there. I open Rose's bag and grab her pajamas. I undress her and get her into the pink pajamas I know she likes. I tuck her in my bed and snuggle beside her into the sheets.

"I really missed you baby." I say to her and she throws me a look, half smiling, half sleepiness taking over.

"I missed you too Sky." she says back and closes her eyes.

"Sweet dreams Rosalie." I say and kiss her forehead. She is asleep in under two minutes so I crawl out of the bed and make my way down again. I find Shaun and Harry sitting in the conference room talking. I swoop aside even though I have a gut telling me not to do it. My sneaky side takes over and I find myself listening.

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