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Harry's POV

When we get out the cab and walk inside the hotel, the air is crisp and its colder than I thought it would be.

Sky's sensitive skin reddens immediately as we rush inside. Its adorable.

I need to make this up to her. I can't kick her when she is down. Thats not how relationships are supposed to be.

We get inside the elevator and she leans against the wall, tilting her head back from fatigue. An image of her screaming and throwing her head back from pleasure flashes in front of my eyes and I want to take her right now, right here.

"I love you, you know that right?" She asks me when she realizes I am staring at her. I know she needs reassurance and I am willing to give it to her.

She looks at me, her eyes wild, waiting for what I have to say. That moment it hits me.

We will never be perfect, hell no where near alright but thats us. What is a relationship more than two people who really like being around each other?

"Its you. Its fucking you. I cannot describe it anymore, it is you. You are the only one I will ever want. I belong with you.  You are my home. I look at you, and somehow I can see 50 years from now on the front porch of some old house in the middle of nowhere and we're together. I need you. You are the only thing that matters. You are my good." I say and her eyes sparkle like the sky in night time. I can feel her heart fluttering, her blood pumping faster, her mind pumping endorphins into her veins and her feeling so happy.

"Oh Harry." She runs to me and throws herself in my arms, smiling like an idiot. I embrace her and fill my lungs with her scent.

The elevator door ding open and we get out, her arms still around me, her head on my shoulder.

"I want to fuck you." I say when we reach the door to our suite. She raises her head and I can see her cheeks come to life with excitement.

"Thats an appropriate offer." She says and makes me giggle from her serious tone.

I lift her, putting my hands under her thighs as she shifts her grip so she is facing me, her arms around my shoulders as I push her against the door.

I lean in and kiss her, pushing her head lightly against the wall as she tugs at the roots of my hair, turning me on enormously.

"Its weird you turn me on so fast after all the times we had sex." I breathe into her neck as she sucks the skin on my collar bones.

"I am already dripping and you only kissed me." She says back and I can't it anymore. I carry her to the door and open it while yelling for Louis.

"Close your eyes!" I say as I run to our room, her lips still attached to my neck. I don't want to risk Louis checking her out, especially when she is attached to me like this, this sexy...

Once we get in our room and lock the door, I throw her to the bed and waste no time in throwing my shirt over my head and moving to her so I can undress her.

"Do you have a condom, I'm off birth control." She wines under my touch as I undress her unzip my jeans.

I move to get one from the dresser when I take another look at her. Being bare like this makes her look like a greek goddess, her full breasts sitting on her chest that are enough to make my knees weak. Her flat stomach and fragile waist is beyond words and her long structured legs are something I wish I am between on a daily basis.

I slid the condom on my erect cock and her eyes go wide like every time I fuck her. She never gets used to me like I never get used to her. She is wrong, we are far away from being drugs to each other. You get used to a dose of a drug and you want more when we can never get enough of each other.

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