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Virgo: I am not excited for this.

Leo: At least we share a room.

Virgo: But we have to have a 3rd roommate.

Leo: His name is Aries.

Virgo: At least he is also a zodiac.

Leo: Everyone on our floor is.

Virgo: We're here. Enjoy the last time it can just be us before we drift apart and you get a girlfriend and I will be all alone for ever and no one will ever love me so...

Aries: Hello. My name is Aries and this is our room. You are kinda late but we got invited to a party. It's at a girls dorm. So yay. Girls.

Leo: Are you gay?

Aries: No I am bi though.

Virgo: Same as me and Leo. So I'm Virgo and this is Leo. I am excited to see the girls though.

Leo: I can here something so I'm assuming I has started let's leave our bags here and go now.

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