I have no idea

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*at the hospital*

Virgo: Excuse me Doctor, do you know if Taurus is alright?

Leo: He is fine.

Doctor: Well he should be but he has suffered major blood loss. Do you happen to know his blood type?

Aries: I have no idea.

Leo: Me neither.

Virgo: He is an A positive.

Doctor: Okay, I'm glad because that means we have him on the right blood.

Virgo: When do you think he will be out of surgery?

Doctor: Like an hour, maybe less. All they have to do is stitch almost his whole leg back together. Do you guys know anyone named Virgo?

Leo: No, sorry.

Virgo: Shut tf up Leo, sorry Doctor, I'm Virgo.

Doctor: We need to get the switchblade out of your leg.

*takes him into an examination room and sorts out his leg*

*with the others*

Scorpio: Bitch.

Capricorn: Who are you even talking too?

Cancer: She just broke a nail.

Pisces: That hurts a lot.

Libra: Have you seen what state Taurus is in?

Sagittarius: I thought that we were going to play something. I think truth or dare.

Aquarius: I don't care if we weren't going to, we now are.

Gemini: I will go first. Truth or dare Libra.

Libra: Dare.

Gemini: I dare you to kiss me.

Libra: Gladly. *kisses him*

Sagittarius: Capricorn, truth or dare.

Capricorn: Easy, truth.

Sagittarius: Do you like anyone here? If so who.

Capricorn: That is a two part question. I don't answer those.

Cancer: Please.

Capricorn: Okay, fine. Yes I do like someone and it is Pisces.

Pisces: You are gay?

Scorpio: I knew that.

Cancer: Me too. But not the 'you liking Pisces' bit.

Libra: Pisces, do you resiprecate these feelings?

Gemini: She means do you like Capricorn back.

Pisces: Kinda, I'm not sure yet.

Capricorn: Nice. Sagittarius, truth or dare?

Sagittarius: Truth.

Capricorn: Who is your crush?

Sagittarius: I will call them. *calls them*

Aquarius: *phone rings* Cool.

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