It's 4 in the morning.

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Virgo and Taurus POV *

Virgo: Are you ok Taurus.

Taurus: Not really. You are going at 100 on a 60 which could kill us.

Virgo: We will be fine. I have been threatened by dozens of dangerous people and with dangerous objects and have had to escape every time, by going 100. I was thinking we could go to the beach tomorrow. Since it's Saturday.

Taurus: Sure. Also you mean later. It is 4 in the morning.

Virgo: Yeah. That's what I meant.

Taurus: I'm sorry about earlier.

Virgo: Sorry about what?

Taurus: I called you babe in front of everyone. We aren't even dating.

Virgo: It is completely fine. Do you like me Taur?

Taurus: That information is private.

Virgo: I will ask Pisces. You tell her everything.

Taurus: No don't. Fine, I will admit that I do like you.

Virgo: I'm just gonna pull over cause I need us both to get out.

Taurus: Ok.

*virgo pulls over and they both get out*

Taurus: Why did I need to get out.

Virgo: I need to do something.

Taurus: Why does this plan include me?

Virgo: Because if only I got out of the car and did the plan, it would be really weird. *kisses Taurus*

Taurus: *kisses back*

Virgo*pulls away*

Taurus: You were right. That would have been weird just you.

Virgo: Let's get back in because I have a feeling Cap walked to campus and is taking too long to get back.

Taurus: Why do you have that feeling?

Virgo: Because I saw her bike at the station.

*They both get back in the car and drive off to find Cap*

*everyone else*

Gemini: I have a good idea.

Cancer: Are you sure it's good?

Gemini: Yes. We should go around in a circle and say our favourite tv show or movie.

Aries: Then go around again saying our favourite song.

Scorpio: Archer.

Leo: The end of the f****ng world.

Libra: Bob's burgers.

Aries: Santa Clarita diet.

Aqua: Jaws

Sagittarius: Birdbox.

Pisces: Maze runner.

Gemini: Maze runner and Community.

Cancer: Judge Judy.

Aries: Now our favourite song.

Cancer: Dancing on my own.

Gemini: The importance of being idol.

Aries: Everybody Talks.

Scorpio: Riptide

Aquarius: Craving

Leo: Sweater Weather

Libra: Hayloft

Pisces: The bidding.

Sagittarius: Summertime sadness.

*back with Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn*

Capricorn: I am so glad you found me.

Virgo: Did you pick up the student cards?

Capricorn: Of course I did. That's the whole reason I am out here.

Taurus: Virgo thinks we should all go to the beach tomorrow.

Capricorn: I like that idea.

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