I want to watch Jschlatt

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Doctor: Taurus is awake now.

Virgo: Oh my god, can I see him.

Doctor: Yes. Only one at a time though.

*with Virgo and Taurus*

Virgo: Taurus, are you awake?

Taurus: *pretends to be asleep*

Virgo: He is so cute when he sleeps. I love you so much Taurus, I feel so guilty for taking you out their. I'm so sorry. I love you so much and would do anything to make you forgive me.

Taurus: (in a sleepy voice) I love you too Virgo.

Virgo: Oh my god. I'm so sorry. *hugs Taurus really tightly*

Taurus: Chill Virgo. If you really want to make me forgive you, there is one thing you can do.

Virgo: *stands back up* What?

Taurus: Be my boyfriend.

Virgo: Jesus h Christ.

Taurus: Have I done something wrong?

Virgo: No. It would be my honour to be your boyfriend. *kisses Taurus*

Taurus: *kisses back*

Virgo: *pulls away and hold Taurus' hands* Do you know when you can leave?

Taurus: Tonight as long as I don't drive until Monday.

Virgo: I can drive, I will go the speed limit though.

Taurus: Thank you.

*with Leo and Aries*

Leo: Wasn't Capricorn supposed to be here?

Aries: I think so. Why is Virgo running outside.

Leo: Is Taurus dead.

Aries: Let's go check on Virgo.

Leo: Hey V, what's the matter?

Virgo: It's official.

Leo: You have finally figured out that you like only boys and you like girls because other boys do?

Aries: You and Taurus are dating?

Virgo: Yes.

Leo: I knew I was right.

Virgo: I mean Aries was right.

Aries: Sorry babe. *hugs Leo*

Leo: I want to watch Jschlatt.

Virgo: Let's watch him until Taurus is discharged.

Aries: Ok.

*with everyone else*

Capricorn: Do you know what we should do?

Scorpio: No, what should we do?

Capricorn: That was a genuine question.

Sagittarius: We should fake date.

Gemini: Yes, okay I will choose. So me and libra, obviously, Capricorn and Pisces, Sag and Aqua then you two are left.

Cancer: She specifically said she would never date me.

Pisces: Not to everyone though so it doesn't count.

Aqua: Ugh.

Sagittarius: What's up babe.

Aqua: I don't want to just fake date.

Sagittarius: Why not Aqu... I'm confused.

Libra: She wants to date you.

Sagittarius: Will you be my actual girlfriend?

Aqua: YES.

Scorpio: I don't want to fake date Cancer.

Gemini: You have too. Hahahaha.

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