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Capricorn: Are you okay Vir?

Virgo: Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?

Capricorn: You just seem uneasy.

Virgo: Fine. You got me. I don't know. I just feel betrayed ever since Violet told my mother about the thing.

Capricorn: Does anyone else know?

Virgo: No. They don't so I would rather you didn't tell anyone.

Capricorn: Do you even know we're we are.

Virgo: Nope.

Capricorn: I have an idea.

Virgo: What?

Capricorn: We should do something. We should play in the rain.

Virgo: I don't think it's raining right now.

Capricorn: I think you have forgotten something key.

Virgo: Oh yeah. We're in Britain.

Capricorn: I love you Virgo.

Capricorn: I love you too Cap.

Violet: I knew you guys had a weird relationship.

Capricorn: We finally found you.

Virgo: Why did you run off.

Violet: Because you are my brother and I want to know everything.

Virgo: Sorry. You know the only person I tell everything too is Cap.

Violet: I know that.

Capricorn: I think we should go back to the rest of the group.

*Capricorn, Virgo and Violet are back*

Virgo: Where is Leo?

Lex: He ran of after Libra said something really insensitive.

Amy: Then Aries ran after him.

Virgo: I've got to find him.

~with Leo and Aries~

Aries:*knocks on door*

Leo: Leave me alone.

Aries: It's me, Aries.

Leo: Fine. Come in.

Aries: What's up.

Leo: I'm fine. Why are you here?

Aries: I wanted to see if you were okay. And I wanted to tell you something.

Leo: Tell me.

Aries: I will when you tell me why you ran off.

Leo:My dad committed and I have been to therapy and all of them say I have PTSD.
Now tell me what you wanted to say.

Aries: Okay. *sighs* I like you. I mean. I like you a lot. And I don't mind if you don't like me back but I-

Leo *cuts him off by kissing him*

Aries: *Pulls away*

Leo: I like you too.

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