Touchy subject.

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Virgo: *walks into his, Aries' and Leo's room*

Virgo: Oh crap. Don't make out while I'm here.

Leo: What are you talking about?

Aries: How did you know?

Leo: Aries, you are making it worse. Shush.

Aries: Are you ashamed of me?

Leo: No but we aren't a couple.

Aries: You mean yet.

Leo: Whatever.

Virgo: You can continue your lovers quarrel later. Leo, Lex told me you ran off. Why?

Leo: Touchy subject.

Virgo: You mean. *nods head*

Leo: Yes.

Virgo: You're okay though,right?

Aries: He definitely is now.

Leo: He's right.

Virgo: I'm gonna leave now. *half way down the hallway shouts 'GAY' and continues walking*

Leo: I don't think he realises that it is totally gay. We are both guys.

Aries: Technically not.

Leo: I'm so confused.

Aries: I don't think I'm a guy.

Leo: Why.

Aries: I don't know. I'm still figuring it out but I think I'm non binary.


Aries: You love me?

Leo: I didn't mean to say that. It's true though. Anyway, is there anything I can do to help you figure out.

Aries: Instead of saying 'he's over there' can you say 'they are over there' so I know wether I'm comfortable with he/him or they/them pronouns.

Leo: Can I tell the others.

Aries: Yes please. I'm going on a walk incase anyone takes it difficultly. If someone does. Text me who then I will try and avoid them.

Leo: Ok *kisses them*

Aries: I love you.

Leo: It's official?!

Aries: Yes as we have both told each other that we love each other.

Leo: Bye.

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