My dad is the shift guard right now.

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Virgo: Ok so now we are here, we need to talk to the shift guard.

Libra: Cancer, why are you here?

Cancer: Erm, well, so I kind of accidentally, totally not my fault and not on purpose got everyone into prison.

Aries: Why? How?

Capricorn: Hello.

Leo: Someone explain why almost all the zodiacs ARE IN PRISON.

Gemini: So, We all went to look for Taurus and some people forgot their student cards. Do you want a list of who?

Capricorn: Yes.

Virgo: Yes.

Aries: No.

Cancer: So Sag, Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus are in jail right now.

Virgo: Cap.

Capricorn: Yes Vir.

Virgo: Please can you go get all of their student cards.

Cancer: Also my dad is the shift guard right now.

Leo: Ok. Capricorn, still go get the cards but cancer needs to talk to her dad.

Aries: Let's talk to everyone.

Gemini: Well let's try.

Virgo: Taurus.

Taurus: Yes babe. Shit. I mean yes Virgo.

Libra: I ship.

Virgo: That was very cute Taurus thank you. But I came to get you out. I currently only have your card but Capricorn is on her way to get everyone else's cards. Should I get you out now then the rest later.

Taurus: Yes please, I am very cold.

Virgo: I will be as quick as possible babe. That was an accident.

Aquarius: Are you two dating?

Scorpio: Not yet.

Guard: Ok, Taurus is it ?

Taurus: Yes sir.

Guard: You are free to go. The rest of you need to stay.

Taurus: *runs and jumps into virgos arms*

Virgo: Why does everyone think I am so strong?

Pisces: You just look it.

Sagittarius: Very much agreed.

Virgo: I missed you Taurus.

Taurus: I missed you too. *jumps down*

Aries: Gay.

Leo: That is true.


Scorpio: Bitch, stop denying it.

Virgo: LEAVE ME ALONE. Come one Taurus. They can catch the bus back to campus.

Taurus: Ok. *leaves and drives off with Virgo in his car*

Libra: I ship it so much it is unreal.

Sagittarius: Chill.

Pisces: Don't tell her to chill.

Cancer: Let's just stop arguing and wait for Capricorn to get back.

Leo: Agreed.

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