I am really bored

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Capricorn: Sagittarius. That's who I need to find. SAGITTARIUS.

Sagittarius: That's me. How can I help. I'm in the middle of a shift.

Capricorn: At Target!? I need you to come with me. Don't worry about the job. You don't need it.

Sagittarius: I have no idea who you are but I trust you.

Virgo: I am really bored.

Cancer: Is that Aquarius.

Gemini: Yes. Hello Aquarius.

Aquarius: Hi, please call me by my code name when we are doing jobs. It is Master.

Cancer: We should come up with code names.

Aquarius: You don't have code names?! Rookie mistake.

Gemini: I will be called Duke.

Virgo: I have no idea. Probably Aurora.

Cancer: My code name has always been Virus.

Aquarius: Why?

Virgo: It's because he can hack almost anything.

Gemini: Remember when you hacked into the camera in Scorpio's bedroom.

Virgo:I completely forgot about that.

Cancer: Leave me alone.


Taurus: We are at the meet up place.

Leo: Hello. Nice to meet you. This is Aries.

Aries: Hey. We were the best agents at our old company.

Libra: What do you mean 'were'?

Leo: It got shut down for treason. It wasn't approved by the government.

Pisces: So you worked illegally.

Aries: Yes.

Scorpio: I'm Scorpio, this is Pisces, this is Libra and this is the leader, Taurus.

Leo: Nice to meet you all.

Aries: Let's get on this mission shall we.

Libra: Yes.


Sagittarius: I just got fired because of you. Why do I need to be here?

Capricorn: There are two gangs that are each trying to kidnap one of us.

Sagittarius: And? It's not as if I haven't been kidnapped before.

Capricorn: I want to work together.

Sagittarius: Do you have an agents license?

Capricorn: Yes. It's a positive one though. All the people who are trying to kidnap us have negative licenses.

Sagittarius: So we are the good ones as we have positive licenses and they are the bad people because theirs are negative.

Capricorn: Yes, now let's get out of this storage cupboard.

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