Maybe I will do it in spite of you

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Virgo: Erm Cancer. Isn't that Scorpio. Why the hell is he here.

Gemini: Go over to him. Confess your love for him.

Cancer: Maybe I will in spite of you.

Aquarius: You should.

Cancer: Okay, I will.

Taurus: Scorpio, do you know that kid?

Scorpio: Yes. We went to bording school together and I think he had a crush on me.

Libra: Well he is walking over now.

Scorpio: Wait, really. *starts running to Cancer and jumps in his arms* I thought I would never see you again.

Cancer: I was going to find you again one day. Why are you here?

Scorpio: Work. You?

Cancer: Same. You look really handsome.

Scorpio: I'm confused. What kind of vibe are you trying to give off.

Pisces: *shouts* GAY.

Cancer: Who is that.

Scorpio: *jumps down* That is Pisces. I work with him. I'm sorry but I think you look really handsome as well.

Cancer: Why are you apologising?

Scorpio: I don't know why I'm about to do what I'm about to do. *kisses Cancer*

Cancer: *kisses back*

Virgo: *walks over with Aquarius and Gemini* Well, well, well. Nice to finally see you again Scorpio.

Scorpio: Hello Virgo.

Gemini: I told you. Aquarius, you owe me £10.

Aquarius: We are in the USA.

Gemini: Fine $10 then.

Aquarius: Are we in New York?

Libra: Yes, we are.

Virgo: We have to go.....*pauses to think* meet a friend. Yeah. Goodbye.

Cancer: Scorpio, what's ur number.

Scorpio: It is *******. I will see you again soon handsome.

Cancer: Right back at you. *winks then walks away*

Virgo: Soooo.

Cancer: So what?

Gemini: You finally kissed him. Lucky.

Cancer: Oh yeah. I forgot you have never kissed a boy.

Gemini: Don't say that in front of Aqua!

Aquarius: I won't tell anyone. Actually I can help.

Gemini: That's impossible. *looks down*

Aquarius: *lifts head up and kisses her* There you go. Now you have been kissed by a boy.

Sagittarius: I'm so tired. Can I have a piggyback?

Capricorn: Fine but I need you to be on the look out for the gangs.

Sagittarius: Okay sir.

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