Sorry, I forgot about you.

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*everyone is there now*

Virgo: I forgot who is coming surfing.

Leo: Me, Aries and Taurus.

Capricorn: And me Leo.

Leo: Sorry, I forgot about you.

Taurus: Rude much.

Aries: Let's go before I freeze to death.

Virgo: It's gonna be worse in the water but you do get used to it. Don't worry.

*they all go*

Libra: Gemini, can I tell them?

Scorpio: Tell us what.

Pisces: You have to tell us.

Cancer: We can pester you until you say it or you could just say it now.

Gemini: Just say it because they will pester me as well.

Libra: Me and Gemini are dating.

Sagittarius: Well done Libra.

Aquarius: Gemini got himself a girlfriend.

Scorpio: They literally just said that.

Aquarius: I chose not to listen but then I heard dating.

Sagittarius: I get yelled at if I don't listen.

Cancer: Do you not remember that time when you crashed Virgo's car, or when you drowned and you had to have your heart restarted.

Pisces: You need to be more careful. That's was all because you weren't listening.

Gemini: Should we go swimming.

Everyone else: Yeah.

*with the people surfing*

Virgo: Taurus, you just need to get out far right now. Getting in the waves currently doesn't matter.

Taurus: I'm sorry.

Leo: Just don't drown.

Aries: Virgo. Why do you have pockets with zips on your wet suit.

Capricorn: I know why.

Virgo: Don't say it Cap.

Leo: I don't think I have ever seen you wear something with out pockets. Except for when you were naked.


Virgo: Can I just explain that the last time I did that I was like 10.

Leo: More like 16.

Virgo: Ok fine, I was 16 and I was at Leo's house because I was staying over when my parents were in Arizona with Cap's parents, so I got in the shower and I didn't lock the door because, well I don't know why I didn't lock the door but I'm gonna continue, I was in the shower and Leo walked in on me and got in with me.

Capricorn: Saves water.

Taurus: How are you not fazed by this Capricorn.

Capricorn: Because Virgo doesn't lock doors while he showers so I have walked in on him a lot.

Aries: So half of the people right here have seen you naked.

Virgo: Well technically you could have seen me naked.

Aries: HOW!

Virgo: I walk naked around the dorm when no one is there so I was doing that when you got back from your walk but I managed to quickly put on underwear. I'm like a ninja.

*they surf for a while*

Leo: Aries, do you want to go back. Cap, Virgo and Taurus could come too.

Aries& Capricorn: Yes please.

Virgo: I wanna stay here with Taurus, he said he wanted to surf more.

*the others go back to the shore*

Taurus: Ouch.

Virgo: What happened. Oh shit, you are bleeding.

Taurus: Oh sh.... *passes out*

Virgo: *swims to grab Taurus and puts him on his board. Cuts of strip of his wet suit and now his leg is bare, he cut it with the switchblade in his pocket, and he accidentally stabs himself.* I am so sorry Taurus. I didn't realise there was rocks here. I just need to go under the water to tie this fabric around your wound.

*back at shore*

Scorpio: Sag, please pass me a bag or crisps.

Sagittarius: Ok. *throws crisps at Scorpio*


*virgo is back at shore, carrying Taurus on his back and limping towards the ambulance. The paramedics grab Taurus and put him on a stretcher*

Virgo to and unconscious Taurus: I'm so sorry I let this happen Taur. I love you so much and I am positive you will be okay. *lets the paramedics take Taurus to the hospital*

Aries: Why are you covered in Taurus' blood?

Capricorn: Shoot, that's not all Taurus'. Scorpio, pass me a tissue. *wipes away some of the blood and discovers the gash in Virgo's leg with his switchblade still in it*. Virgo, are you ok?

Virgo: No. I just got Taurus hurt because he cut his leg on the rocks and now I feel horrible.

Libra: She means like physically.

Virgo: No because there is a knife in my leg. I'm nit taking it out until I drive to the hospital.

Leo: I will drive.

Aries: Me and Capricorn will come too. Everyone else should get back before security takes you to jail again.

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