I told you not to yell.

97 1 0

Virgo: We need to go in two different cars. I can take Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Gemini and Libra.

Libra: Why are me and Gemini going together.

Taurus: If you want to keep things private then don't yell about them.

Gemini: I told you not to yell.

Libra: Sorry but I was excited.

Leo: Let's just get in the car.

Aries: Because if we don't we will freeze because Virgo made us shower in our wet suits first and now the air is freezing the water.

Capricorn: Shush Aries, it's like 20 degrees.

Aries: Ok.

            This is how group 1 is sat in the car

                                               Driving wheel.
                       Taurus                 Virgo
               Leo.              Aries.          Capricorn
                       Libra.           Gemini.  

*group 1 drive off*

Scorpio: Okay, so I don't know what to do now.

Aquarius: Everyone needs to get in the car and because you all look freezing cold, I will drive.

Cancer: I think Sagittarius should drive.

Sagittarius: Why me?

Pisces: Because you are good at driving.

Sagittarius: Fine.

                               Group 2 car

                                           Driving wheel
Aquarius. Sagittarius
Scorpio. Pisces. Cancer

*group 1 pov*

Taurus: Virgo.

Virgo: Yes Taur. How can I help?

Taurus: I don't know how to swim in the ocean, never mind surf.

Leo: Maybe Virgo can teach you and it will get all sexy and you will end up making out in the middle of the ocean.

Taurus: Now you got a picture in my head. I can't help but picture it. *hits leo*

Virgo: You know you are one of my best friends but I don't think anyone wants to hear that.

Leo: Sorry.

Aries: I'm cold.

Capricorn: You said that earlier.

Aries: How did I only just realise Libra and Gemini are making out.


Libra: We thought you all knew.

Virgo: No, we heard you but Cap didn't, do you really think I would get changed with a girl in the room.

Capricorn: That explains why every time you needed to get changed, you would do it in the bathroom.

Leo: Yeah, what did you think he was doing.

Capricorn: I have no idea. Gemini.

Gemini: What?

Capricorn: Don't make out with Libra, right behind me.

Gemini: Ok, Sorry.

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