More practicing

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Virgo: Okay Leo. Try and make me see something.

Leo: see it.

Virgo: I don't want to. Please stop.

Leo: *in mind* I don't want to.

Virgo: Well just do it.

Leo: You read my mind.


Libra: Okay Scorpio. Try and fly.

Scorpio: Okay but why are we on a building. I'm gonna jump. *jumps*

Libra: Are you dead?

Scorpio: *really loud shriek*

Libra: Oh shut up. You almost died. And I got my powers. Cool.

Scorpio: *flies to Libra* So did I!

Gemini: I'm gonna run really fast from over there and then since you super strong you should be able to stop me.

Sagittarius: I hope that's how it works.

Gemini: *starts to run then runs directly into Sagittarius* Aha I've got you.

Sagittarius: Don't put me DOWN.

Gemini: I'm going to.

Sagittarius: NO. *grabs on to Gemini tighter*

Gemini: Oh dear little miss Sagittarius is scared.


Gemini: *slows down* Okay.

Sagittarius: Thank you so much for saving me. *kisses Gemini*

Gemini: Erm. I'm gonna go now, bye.

Sagittarius: Bye. *whispering* Sh1t.


Aries: Alright, I have no idea what we are doing here.

Taurus: Well we know I can change to an animal. Can you control the wind?

Aries: Erm. I don't think so. Where is Capricorn? CAPRICORN!

Capricorn: What is the matter?

Aries: How do I try and do this.

Capricorn: *leans right up behind Aries* so you pull your arm back then push it forward very quickly.

Taurus: Let me stand here see if it pushes me.

Aries: *pushes Taurus over and he barrel rolls* Omg are you okay?

Taurus: *crying* Yes.

Aries: *hugs him* Idiot. You have a really big cut on your arm.

Capricorn: I have to go now. Erm. Bye.

Taurus: It really hurts.

Aries: Ok I can see your bone so let's get Virgo and go to the hospital.

Taurus: Fine. *gets up*

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