I'm so boiling

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*after school*

Oph: *knocks on door*

Virgo: *playing feel something really loud*


Virgo: Chill. *turns off music. Opens the door to Oph while shirtless* This is why you knock, you would have seen more than this.

Oph: Have you heard of underwear?

Virgo: Yes, do you think I just walk around commando?

Oph: Well... yes.

Virgo: Rude, I'm bored.

Oph: I have homework, I'm sure you do too.

Virgo: Nope, don't do it.

Oph: How do you get away with that.

Virgo: I don't, I am in so much trouble. I don't care though. I'm gonna find Taurus and we can go skateboarding.

Oph: You do that. Am I allowed to let anyone in if they knock.

Virgo: Yes, this is now your 'house' aswell.

Oph: Bye.

Virgo: I need to change first.

Oph: *hears a knock and goes to open the door*

Virgo: *Slides in from his bedroom and falls* *opens the door* Hey Taurus, you got your skateboard?

Taurus: Yes. I can't believe I'm doing this after getting out of hospital yesterday.

Virgo: You will be fine.

Taurus: I'm so boiling.

Virgo: It's the middle of winter.

Taurus: It's July 12th.

Oph: It's January 6th. Please leave now.

Virgo: Let's go now. You need to sort out your calendar.

*Virgo and Taurus leave*

*Oph hears a knock on the door*

Oph: Who is it?

Scorpio: It is me, Sag, Cap and Cancer.

Oph: Ok *opens the door*

Sagittarius: Hi. We are having a party later in Scorpio's dorm.

Capricorn: Do you want to come? You are very pretty as well.

Cancer: Stop flirting.

Capricorn: I'm not, she is probably straight anyway.

Oph: I am actually far from straight, I am Omni.

Scorpio: What does that mean.

Capricorn: It means th... Do you want to say?

Oph: Thank you. It means I like every gender but I do have a preference for girls.

Sagittarius: I ship. And I ship Pisces with that kid Dylan.

Gemini: What's up?

Scorpio: What the hell.

Libra: He didn't mean to answer to that.

Gemini: Do you guys not have real names?

Pisces: Yes, but we don't say them because people will see is differently.

Aquarius: I think we should not share our common names.

Aries: I completely agree.

Leo: Where the heck is everyone coming from.

Oph: You just appeared out of no where.

Sagittarius: You left the door open.

Pisces: I'm hungry. Let's eat out.

Oph: Let's go when Virgo and Taurus come back.

Capricorn: Okay.

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