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???: I need you to get them all together or you will be dead and slowly posted to your family and wife.

Nova: Okay, that is violent but I need to ease them together. I can't just get 12 magical teenagers together and say ' the world is going to blow up in a year. Fix it' can I?


Nova: CHILL. I have a plan. I will send them a mystery letter from no one telling them there power then they should know.


Libra: I am not staying here.

Virgo: You have to stay, it's a detention.

Taurus: Do you want to be suspended.

Libra: It would give me more time to focus on my hobbies. *types something on her laptop then closes it*

Virgo: What did you d.... *fire alarm goes off*

Taurus: Shoot.

Gemini: Why did the fire alarm go off?

Pisces: You literally set the lab bench on fire.

Leo: Ahahaha.

Sagittarius: *runs outside*

*in the hallway*

Virgo: Oh my god hello Scorpio.

Scorpio: Do I know you?

Virgo: Erm... bye. *runs after Sagittarius*

Sagittarius: Hello Virgo, happy Star Wars day today.

Virgo: Just run Sag. But happy May the forth m'lady.

Sagittarius: Thank you comrade.

Virgo: Gender neutral. Nice. See you soon. Be safe.

Sagittarius: Okay. *runs out of the doors*



Virgo: Libra set of the alarm.

Teacher : Thank you libra be a we all could have been killed. NOW. THERE IS AN ACTIVE FIRE IN THERE, WHO STARTED IT.

Pisces whispering to Gemini: Can I tell her you did it.

Gemini: NO.

Teacher: DON'T SHOUT.

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