You mean Zodiac?

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Virgo: You bitch.

Cancer: It is 100% not my fault we are here.

Gemini: How the f*ck did you mistake New York FOR ARIZONA.

Cancer: I'm sorry that Virgo made me read the papers in a rush.

Virgo: Now we have to catch another flight to kidnap the person. AND THERE IS ANOTHER CRIMINAL GANG THAT WILL GET THERE FIRST. DO YOU WANT TO GET KILLED BY OUR BOSS.

Cancer: You mean Zodiac?

Gemini: Yes dumba*s.

Virgo: Let's go, we have a plane to catch.


Taurus: I need to make sure that everyone is here. Say your code name please and then we can go get the 2 new recruits.

Scorpio: Code name is Rattlesnake.

Capricorn: My code name is Saber-tooth. Like the tiger.

Libra: Code name is poison.

Pisces: I am pretty sure my code names is cowboy.

Taurus: My code name is Nova.

Libra: Who is the leader here?

Taurus: Me. Let's go get the newbies. Then go get the Agent named The prince.

Scorpio: That is a stupid name. If you are gonna have a Royal code name. Make it Duchess.

Pisces: We need to go or else we will miss the train.

Cancer: Why are we all in a tiny Airplane bathroom.

Virgo: So we can privately talk about the mission.

Gemini: So their name is The Prince. I hope he's cute.

Virgo: But it would make it hard for you to torture him.

Cancer: I can.

Gemini: No, you will end up dating him.

Cancer: I'm not gay.

Virgo: We went to secondary school together. You always talked about this one kid. His name was Scorpio.

Cancer:*starts to blush* Shut up. *punches Virgo*

Virgo: You b*tch.

Gemini: She will beat you. Let's leave.

Cancer: Wait. Aren't we getting a newbie?

Virgo: Gemini, why did you tell him. His name is Aquarius.

Gemini: Let's just go back to our seats.

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