You sound like my mother

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Sagittarius: Can I see the picture again. Pass it up to me.

Capricorn: Okay. *passes her the picture*

Sagittarius: Okay, we have a problem. The people after me are right behind me.

Capricorn: Just don't let them spot you.

Sagittarius: That is good advise. For the future. You should run, now.

Capricorn: I will come find you later. *runs away*

Virgo: That girl has the exact description of The Prince.

Cancer: We will just take her then.

Aquarius: Okay. *walks up to her* Hey, nice to see you again. Let's go get food.

Sagittarius: Sure.

Gemini: Let's go home. There is food there.

Cancer: You sound like my mother.

*they go to the house*.


Taurus: I am tired.

Libra: Well I mean none of us have slept in 2 days.

Scorpio: She knew that.

Pisces: *falls over*

Libra: Get up Pisces. We need to go get Leo and Aries.

Pisces:Help me up.

Libra: No.

Taurus: I will because I guess I have to. *helps Pisces up*

Scorpio: We are finally at the bathroom.

Taurus: Just remember that we are here to get the new agent.

Libra: We know. *opens the bathroom door*

Ophiuchus: Hi. Why are there so many of you?

Libra: Just deal with it. Now we need to kidnap someone and we need your help.

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