Just text him

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Sagittarius: So by fake dating, we are supposed to figure out we like each other.

Scorpio: Technically but I will never like Cancer.

Cancer: Who said I would ever like you.

Capricorn: No one did. Does anyone know when Virgo and everyone else will be back.

Gemini: Just text him.

Libra: I already did.

Pisces: What did it say.

Libra: They will be home when Taurus is discharged, so later.

Aqua: Who's laptop just dinged. Oh wait it's mine.

Sagittarius: Read it.

Aqua: There is a 13th Zodiac that has been discovered. Her name is Ophiuchus. She has to stay in a boys dorm.

Scorpio: Is it Virgo's dorm?

Cancer: You really hate him don't you?

Pisces: She literally made him go to A&E.

Capricorn: That was his 5th surgery.

Libra: What the hell.

Gemini: How clumsy is he.

Capricorn: First time he fell out of a tree and broke his arm, then slipped on ice and broke his wrist, then fell off a bridge while trying to point at something on the concrete that was really far away, then he was in PE with Leo and me and we were playing tag, long story short he  fell in the stones and got a huge gash on the side of his face and you could see the bones.

Sagittarius: Awesome.

*the others pov*

Virgo: Why is Schlatt playing a barbie game?

Aries: I have no idea but it is hilarious.

Taurus: Hey guys.

Virgo: *stands up immediately and hugs Taurus* Hey.

Leo: Couple goals. Apparently Aqua has some news so we need to get there fast.

Aries: Let's run. *naruto runs to the car*

Virgo: Get on my back Taurus. I can still run with you on and you will be safe.

Leo: Bye love birds. *sprints to the car*

Taurus: Okay, fine babe. *climbs on Virgo's back*

Virgo: *runs to the car*

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