What the hell.

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Virgo: Why aren't you swimming.

Leo: I don't want to drown.

Sagittarius: I will just push him in.

Cancer: Do you want him to die.

Sagittarius: I don't care about him.

Leo: No reason to kill me man.

Sagittarius: I am a woman.

Aries: *pushed Leo in*

Virgo: What the hell.

Gemini: Go save him virgo.

Virgo: Fine. *grabs him and puts him on the side of the pool* Idiot.

Leo: *coughs up water* I hate you Aries.

Aquarius: Can I swim?

Scorpio: I don't know. Can you?

Libra: This is fun.

Pisces: I want to swim too.

Libra: Everyone let's go swimming.

Taurus: Except for you Aries. You should go get food shopping because Leo could have died.

Aries: UGH. FINE.

Aries: I am going to get burgers for everyone because they are super cheap. And even though Virgo is such a mum she would probably get angry at me for giving everyone 'bad food', I need to save her money.

Virgo: Erm Leo.

Leo: What?

Virgo: I don't think you should swim more given THAT YOU ALMOST DROWNED.

Leo: Shut up. You don't look as pretty when you are angry.

Aquarius: Shut up, what has she even done to you.

Gemini: Leave the girl alone.

Virgo: *gets out of the pool* Right. I am 21 years old Gemini. And you Leo, you are horrible and I thought you where nice but you aren't.

Leo: No Virgo don't leave. I was just joking, you are always beautiful.

Sagittarius: Oh my god shut up she told you to stop.

Capricorn: Oh my god. I just remembered that it was Tim peak.

Cancer: What the hell?

Capricorn: The third man on Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong, Buzz aldrin and Tim Peak.

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