Does this look good?

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*everyone is about to leave for the beach after having a nap*

Libra: Gemini.

Gemini: How can I help?

Libra: Why haven't you got a shirt on?

Gemini: It's not the law that guys have to keep there shirt on at all times. Same with girls but they could be cat called.

Libra: You want to see my bikini?

Gemini: Sure.

Libra: *takes of dress* Its blue, like the ocean.

Gemini: It's cute but...

Libra: But what?

Gemini: But you are cuter.

Libra: *kisses Gemini* Thanks dude.

Gemini: Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Libra: YES.

*In a different room*

Taurus: Does this look good?

Leo: Go ask Virgo.

Aries: Your boyfriend.

Virgo: *shouts from his room* WE AREN'T DATING.

Taurus: Yeah, what he said.

Aries: Go ask him anyway.

Taurus: Virgo, come here please.

Virgo: You look nice. What do you need?

Taurus: I was going to ask you how I look but how about why do you look like that?

Virgo: Because I work out. What do you think I do in my spare time?

Leo: Maths.

Aries: Knitting.

Taurus: I don't know, skateboarding, dancing?

Virgo: I don't do maths for fun, why knitting and I work out, play video games and skateboarding because I am shit at dancing.

Leo: Oh my god, Virgo do you remember that one school dance when you asked out Becky and you went to the dance together, then you started to dance and she broke up with you and got with jake? *starts laughing alot*

Virgo: I do remember, it's not funny.

Aries and Taurus: It is.

*in another room*

Scorpio: Girls.

Sagittarius: I'm a boy.

Capricorn: And?

Cancer: She was talking to the girls in this room.

Pisces: Why are you here?

Sagittarius: You invaded mine and Taurus' room just because he's not here.

Aquarius: Oh yeah. I forgot that we did that.

Cancer: Stupid.

Capricorn: Chill.

Pisces: Are you guys wearing bikinis?

Scorpio: We all are. All the girls are. Apart from Capricorn because she is going surfing with Virgo, Taurus, Leo and Aries, so she needs to wear a wet suit.

Capricorn: I am actually really good.

Sagittarius: Lucky, Virgo won't let me go because the last time I went deep in the water I almost drowned.

Cancer: You also can't ride on Virgo and Taurus' motor bike as you crashed Virgo's so now him and Taurus share.

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