Fucking clown.

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Virgo: Where is the necklace because Ellie is almost here.

Capricorn: How did you get her phone number?

Gemini: Cancer got it. He is great at hacking into things, right Scorpio?

Scorpio: You mean.....

Scorpio and Gemini: Secondary school.

Scorpio: Oh my fucking god.

Cancer: It was for research purposes you fucking clown.

Scorpio: How was seeing me n@ked research!

Cancer: It just was.

Leo: Sexuality research. He has discovered something new. *grabs Scorpio and Cancer, pushes them together and whispers* He is gay.

Libra: I think Scorpio already knows that.

Leo: They are dating.

Virgo: Can we just find the necklace.

Aquarius: Ahhh. Fuck!

Aries: Where is your prosthetic?

Aquarius: That's the problem. Also the necklace is in my room.

Sagittarius: Do you dress as a women?

Aquarius: NO.

Sagittarius: Sorry!

Pisces: Do yall want a peanut butter cup?

Virgo: I will have one.

Cancer: I can't. I'm allergic. Like deathly.

Pisces: *runs towards him* DIE BITCH.

Cancer: Leave me alone!

Pisces:*trips and starts bleeding*

Virgo: I am not going to the hospital. They are gonna check my mark.

Leo: Scar.

Virgo: Yeah what ever.


Pisces: Into the car we go.

Virgo: I am getting the necklace and waiting for Ellie.

Leo: I will wait too.

Scorpio: Stop flirting.

Leo: Shut up or I will shoot you then about half of us will have had to be treated in hospital this week.

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