The job

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*In the van*

Cancer: Scorpio, do you have their body cams on?

Scorpio: No but I will ask them. *to Virgo and the others inside* Please can you turn the body cameras on Virgo.

Virgo over the radio: Yeah.


Virgo: Leo, Taurus and Sagittarius. Please turn in your body cams so that the people in the van can see the house from our perspective.

Leo: Why didn't they come with us.

Taurus: There would be too many people idiot.

Sagittarius: More like they are bad a tactical skills. They are good at surveillance.

Gemini to Virgo and the others: Erm. Hello, me and Capricorn are also here.



Leo: What the hell. I never said anything about Virgo.

Virgo: Shut up. You will trigger the alarms.

Sagittarius: Are we not going to comment on what Leo said or......

Taurus: No time for it now.

Leo: *rolls* Owww. That hurt.

Virgo: If course it did dipshit.


Aries: Erm. Sorry. Aquarius did something.

Libra: Can you guys here me good.

Aquarius: I made it so that us in the van can here your thoughts.

Pisces: Only on Leo's though.
Leo: What the hell. You bitch.

Virgo: While you guys were fussing about Leo, me , Sagittarius and Taurus did the job.

Taurus: Poor Alex.

Sagittarius: His fault for putting it on the black market.


Gemini: Did you guys realise that Ellie was wearing a hat, glasses and a mask. Wouldn't it be funny if it wasn't her and we were giving the necklace to the person who it was being sold to on the special market.

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