It could be a murderer

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                              *the next day*

Virgo: *hears knocking at his door* Who is it.

Aries: Virgo. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. Who is it.

Leo: That's what he asked.

Aries: Don't argue with me babe.

Virgo: Shush. Let me open the door. Move out of the way.

Leo: *blocking the door* No. it's 3 o'clock in the morning and it could be a murderer.

Virgo: *lifts Leo out of the way* You are making this too easy Leo. *opens the door* Oh hello Libra.


Virgo: Chill ou- WHAT. SHIT.

Libra: We need to bail him out.

Aries: Who the hell is at the door at three o'clock in the morni- hey libra.

Libra: Let me explain. So Taurus was out on campus because he left a book or something under a tree. Then a security guard caught him and he didn't have his student card so they took him to jail or prison.

Leo: How do you even know this.

Virgo: That doesn't matter. It was obviously his 1 call so he told libra because I think they are room mates. Also he knew if he called me I would get angry. So we need to take £100 cash and his student card to provide proof of who he is.

Libra: Why would you shout at him?

Leo: When Virgo is angry, he shouts or stabs stuff. On a call he would more than likely shout.

Aries: How do you know so much about prison?

Leo: He-

Virgo: Let me say it. It's my cool story. So I robbed someone and got put in for a year at juvenile prison. Also TV.

Libra: Sick.

Leo: I wanted to say.

Aries: Libra.

Libra: Yes?

Aries: Does anyone else know about this.

Libra: Well Tau-

Aries: Other than us and Taurus.

Libra: No.

Virgo: Everyone grab £25 and your student card. Also Taurus' card because otherwise this trip is useless. I have my lisense so I will drive. Also I drive really fast. It's cool.

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