Does that mean I can't call them dude ?

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Leo: *walks to where everyone is*

Leo: I have something to tell you. You can't freak out. Promise.

Everyone apart from Leo, Aries and Virgo: Promise.

Taurus: Virgo, why didn't you promise?

Virgo: I don't make promises.

Capricorn: You have made loads of promises to me.

Virgo: That's different. I told you not to say that. *nudges Cap*

Capricorn:*pushes Virgo on to the floor*

Virgo: Ouch. That hurts.

Aquarius: Of course it will.

Cancer: You just fell on the floor.

Sal: I'm bored. I'm going home.

Celly: Same.

All of the siblings: let's go back.

Gemini: Bye Gerry. I never liked you.

Gerry: Same Gem. Same.

Violet: I love you Virgo. *goes to give him a hug*

Virgo: *pushes her away* Sure.

Sagittarius: Don't be rude.

Libra: She's been through a lot to-.

Leo: Can I just say the news before everyone leaves.

Scorpio: No. *leaves, pulling libra and Pisces with her*

Virgo: What a bitch.

Cancer: I thought you liked her.

Virgo: I did. I wanna be single unless a girl asks me out.

Leo: *mutters under his breath* or a boy.

Virgo: What in the actual fuck Leo.

Capricorn: Leo did you just out  him?

Leo: Yes. He cuffs his jeans and listens to sweater weather.


Leo: Why did you count yourself in the 4?

Virgo: *jumps onto Leo and knocks him over. Starts tickling him* Stop laughing. I wanted to annoy you but not hurt you. Not make you happy.

Leo: *in between laughs* Th...That's what get for ...not let...letting me speak.

Virgo:* stands up* Fine tell us. They already left.

Leo:*also stands up* Ok. Aries is using they/them pronouns because they think that they are non binary.

Capricorn: Cool.

Sagittarius: Dope.

Cancer: Don't say dr*gs.

Gemini: What are you on Cancer.

Sagittarius: Probably dope.

Taurus: I'm hungry.

Gemini: Let's go get food.

Cancer: Can I come too.

Sagittarius: Me three.

Virgo: Does that mean I can't call them dude anymore.

Leo: When did you do that.

Virgo: I never did. I just thought it was cool. Then I wanted to call them dude.

Capricorn: Why are you so good at making sure you use they/them pronouns.

Virgo: I have a... Leo help.

Leo: Sibling.

Virgo: I have a sibling how uses them.

Capricorn: How did I not know.

Virgo: They live in New York.

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