Theo the pilot.

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Scorpio: What is wrong with her.

Cancer: Leave her alone. Don't blame her for being strong, and owning a helicopter.

Gemini: She isn't even in the helicopter.

Virgo: *hanging of the foot of the helicopter then pushes herself up and in* I actually am here guys. Thank you Theo for flying this b1tch.

Theo: Your welcome Miss Virgo.

Sagittarius: So, where are we going.

Capricorn: Argentina.

Virgo: No, we are going to London. I think, Theo, where are we going.

Theo: We are going to London to rob Ellie Satington. Then we are going to Australia.

Libra: Exciting.

Taurus: I don't want to be here.

Pisces: If you really don't want to. Jump.

Taurus: No.

Leo: I don't care. I just love agent stuff.

Aries: You didn't do the whole training.


Virgo: If you guys don't shut up right now, I swear to god, I will jump.

Cancer: No you won't.

Gemini: Yes she would.

Scorpio: Yeah, she definitely would.

Cancer: Oh hey Scorpio, I forgot you were here.

Aquarius: Just jump, no one cares if you are dead.

Virgo: Why would you say that?

Aquarius: It's true.

Virgo: *pushes Aquarius out of the helicopter* Oh my god.

Aries: You just killed someone.

Gemini: What the hell.

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