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Everyone said Choi Yumi was a gift from the ancient stars.

She had a euphonious voice that sounded even more heavenly when she sang. With a great sense of rhythm and body movement—and her natural flexibility too—she was a talented dancer. She worked hard and was an overachiever, especially at school with her academics. She was a daughter any parent could ever wish for.

But what grabbed the attention of everyone around her, even people she didn't know, was her appearance. She had the face of a goddess, as people would say, with pale and bright skin, dark black hair, pink and rosy cheeks, and cherry red lips. Her body was perfectly in shape, especially from the hard work of her athletic history. 

When she walked around the streets of Seoul, people would whisper and comment about how pretty she was. People sometimes asked for a picture, mistaking her as a celebrity. Young guys often would come up to her to ask for her phone number, which she usually declined. 

Yumi lived in a society that often harshly judged people based on their appearance, and Yumi was born privileged in that sense. Despite having a daughter who everyone was jealous of, her parents, who came from a poor background, taught Yumi to always be kind. And with the kind heart she was passed down from her parents, she never hesitated to lend a helping hand to anyone. 

However, some people believed Yumi knew nothing about suffering and hardship, and therefore had no right to help them out. And maybe that was true, but others didn't know much about Yumi either. 

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