Chapter 17

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8 Years Ago:

"Yumi, you're supposed to try a double toe, not a double salchow," my coach yelled across the ice rink.

I giggled, "I'm sorry, I forgot which one."

My coach sighed.

"Coach!" a ten-year old boy ran to the boundary walls with his suitcase rolling behind him.

"Oh, you're here. Put your skates on and come on, I need you for something."

The boy nodded and he ran off into the lobby, signing in.

"Who's that?" I asked, curiosity sparking.

"He's another student of mine and I have a plan for you two."

In a matter of minutes, the boy skated over to us.

Both he and I curiously stared at our teacher.

"So you guys are going to be a team," she spoiled.

With wide eyes I looked over at the boy, he did the same. "Together?" we both yelled in unison.

"Yes, why?"

"Ew!" I said.

"Blech!" he commented.

"Stop being like little kids. You guys are old enough to do things like this."

"But Coach~ I'm only eight!"

"You have to start at an early age~" she chuckled.

"We'll start practice tomorrow. I want you two to become friends today. No getting off the ice until four, alright?"

"What do you want us to do for the next two hours then?" the boy asked.

Our coach cheerfully smiled, "Become friends and play. It's your chance to socialize darlings."

I just stared at him, not wanting to do anything with him.

He sighed, "I'm Minjun."

"M-min... J-jun?" I struggled to say his name.

"Just call me MJ."

I nodded, "I'm Yumi."


"Please welcome pair skaters, Minjun Ryu and Yumi Choi from the Republic of Korea!"

We skated around a lap or two, before settling in the middle into position.

"Mimi-yah, it's our last competition, let's make the best of it," he whispered into my ear right before the music began.

We began our program, filling the ice with the music and emotion. We perfectly performed our required elements; a throw jump, a twist lift, a solo spin combination, several step sequences, a jump, and a lift.

When the song finished, we grabbed our ending position as we gulped for air.

It was a clean program, the best ever.


"How do you feel to be the Novice Champions of Pairs Skating this year?" the reporter asked.

I looked over at MJ, and he began to speak. "Yes. We, um, are happy that we were to, um, skate a clean program and that we won the gold."

"They say this is your last competition?"

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