Chapter 10

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A/N: Feel free to listen to the song above; ⟪Please Don't Cry⟫ by Davichi. 


I grabbed the astronomy printed ballpoint pen, and I began writing:

Hi Oppa,

How are you?

I think I'm getting stronger everyday, I feel more energized these days.

I auditioned at OceanGold Entertainment last week, and I had my interview today. It was just two weeks, including today when they casted me, yet they already accepted me as a trainee.

I think Nam PD-nim already has a slight hint that I have a relationship with you. They'll find out eventually though, right? I really miss you.

I know this is a big decision, but I want to fulfill your dream and your wish.

Remember the day before your death? You told me that you wished that I became an idol, so we can collaborate one day, remember?

I made up my mind, I'm going to become an idol. I'm going to successfully debut no matter what, and I'm going to sing the song you wrote for me.

A tear fell onto the paper. I breathed in and breathed out, trying to keep myself from crying. It was three years ago that I cried, the first time and the last. Crying doesn't help, it just makes me weak. I closed the journal, not being able to hold it in.

Just then, something caught my eye. I blinked away my tears, clearing up my vision. I dug through the crinkle paper, to find something shiny. I pulled it out, it was a chain necklace, with a key and star pendant.

I had forgotten that I hid this in here. I had sworn to myself ages ago, that I wouldn't cry, for Yujun's sake. Right now though, I couldn't keep it in.

The necklace had been something that Yujun was wearing when he died. I made sure that they didn't throw it away, as much pain as it brought me, I had to keep it. It was the one thing that numbed the pain with it's own pain.

Small tears that rolled down my cheeks, turned into helpless cries, which became sobs. The diary and pen was back in the box, which now was at the end of my bed. But I clutched the necklace in my hands, unable to let go of it. I curled up on my bed, letting everything out, not being able to remember how long I had kept things inside of me.

Little did I know that my sister was outside of my door, listening to my weeping.

The back of her head was leaning on my door, listening to my crying as her heart tore apart. Why did I let that happen Yujun? she thought. Remembering everything that had happened exactly 1095 days ago. Why did they accept you to be a trainee on this exact day, she thought again. Please, Yumi, don't pain yourself.

My unnie sat there, looking at her phone case. Which I had made for her, Yujun and myself. Three exact stars, but now it seemed like a different meaning to her.

Quietly she whispered, staring at the phone case. "Three stars... three siblings, three years, three companies, three friends for Yumi." She sighed, "Yujun-ah, why did you die on March 3? What does the number three have to do with all of us?"

She slowly closed her eyes, drowning herself within my loud crying. "I'm sorry Yujun. I should've stopped the press that day. If I just hadn't taken that day off..."

I opened my eyes, holding up the pretty crystal necklace, staring at the beautiful pendent. He was just 18, it'd been only a year after his debut, why did you have to leave?

I closed my eyes, and my last three tears left my eyes.

My sister and I thought in unison:

You are my treasure, Yujun.

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