Chapter 24

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Manager Hani walked into the boy's practice room.

All the male trainees stopped practicing and turned toward her, giving her a bowed greeting.

She nodded, indicating that she gladly received their respect. "Everyone's practicing well?"

"Yes!" they replied in unison.

"Good. I'm sure it's a lot of pressure since the girl's survival show got pulled to be before yours. It's just a matter of fact that there weren't enough male trainees to participate with all the dropouts. However, it does give you all more time to practice your weaknesses."

The boys nodded.

"Alright, work hard. And is Minjun here?"

Minjun walked out of the storage room, which was located in the back of the practice room. "Yes." He made his way to the front, where all his fellow trainees were standing. "Is something the matter?"

"Yumi asked if you could meet her for a minute? It seemed like she had something to tell you."

What could it be? Minjun thought. "I guess I have time. Where?"

"The place you guys talked last time... She's in her language class right now, so-" Manager Hani checked her watch, "She'll probably be done no later than 10."

Minjun looked back, checking the clock on the wall. It was 9:45 PM. "Okay. I'll check on her later at 10 in the garden." He looked back at Manager Hani who was making her way to the door. "Thank you for letting me know."

Manager Hani turned back, smiled, and left the room.

"Ooh~" Theo jumped onto Minjun's back. "What was that about?"

"You're meeting a girl?" a new trainee, Ki-Seok asked. "What was her name? Yu..."

Minjun pushed Theo off, so Theo began to jump around him.

Jinwoo sat down and rested against the wall. "I think it was Yumi, right? Isn't she that really pretty girl who came last March?"

Minjun just ignored them. He walked over to his stuff and began putting them into his bag.

"Hey~" Theo whined. "Stop ignoring us!" He ran over to Minjun and sat down next to him, continuing to annoy him. "I thought our entertainment company was strict on the interactions of boys and girls-"

"They are," Jinu answered.

"But it seems like Manager Hani approves of you two. Are you siblings?" Theo questioned. "You're really handsome too," he complimented. "It makes sense, doesn't it?" Theo nudged Ki-Seok with his foot.

Ki-Seok just shrugged.

"They aren't siblings," Jinu answered instead. "Yumi's surname is Choi. Minjun's is Ryu."

Theo gasped in excitement. "Then does that mean there's a chance that she's Minjun's boyfriend?!"

Minjun slapped Theo's mouth shut. "It's nothing like that." He stood up and began walking towards the door. When he reached the door, with his hand on the door handle, he said, "We're just friends." He exited the practice room.

Theo put his hands on his hips. "That's what they always say."


Minjun walked out into the garden, slowly trudging across the grass. The moon's light was bright, even though it was only a crescent moon. He looked around for Yumi, but couldn't find her. So he checked his watch, which read 10:01 PM.

"You're here," I walked out to the bench from the other side. I sat down and patted down on the seat next to mine, "Sit down."

Without hesitation, Minjun sat down next to me. "What did you need me for? The boys were teasing me about it because Manager Hani asked me in front of them."

I bit my lip to stop my smile from growing big. "Sorry about that."

He shrugged, "It's more of Manager Hani's problem. Why'd you call me?"

"Ah..." I looked up at the sky. "The moon's really bright... It's not even a full moon."

Minjun fixedly stared at me.

I pretended not to notice it and continued gazing at the sky. "Have you ever wished on a shooting star?"

"Not really. I don't really see many."

"Sounds reasonable, but have you ever wished that you could wish on one?"

"Yumi, I don't see how this is important-"

"Do you remember Yujun?" I cut him off.


"I'd be surprised if anyone other than family remembered him."

"He's not forgotten."

I finally turned my head towards him, connecting my eye contact with his.

"I know who Yujun is. I remember who he is. He used to come to almost every competition of ours and he always gave you... that star."

My hand crept into my bag and I squeezed the small cute star plushie. It was attached to a keychain and I kept one in each bag I had.

"I just didn't feel like you were ready to talk about it..."

"I'm not. My doctor, though, has been sharing stories about him and I'm glad. Our doctor remembers and so, I was just curious how many other people know him."

"That's not what you called me here for," he coldly said. "I'm done waiting, so stop stalling. What really is on your mind?"

A moment of silence rushed over as I waited for the atmosphere to grow quiet. All you could hear was the crickets chirping and the rushing water in the garden's fountain.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Minjun leaned closer, "Why would you be... sorry?"

"You knew. You knew from the start who I was. You recognized me and that's why you said hi to me on my first day in this building. It was clear that I partly forgot about you, but you kept helping me and you kept taking care of me. Listening to one of Doctor Kim's stories made me realize how hurt you must've been, trying to see if I really couldn't remember you-"

"You don't have to be sorry for that. I stopped mailing you. There was nothing you could do to remember me off the top of your head. Plus, you remember me now."

"Now I do. I know it hurt you, to see me not being able to recognize you. I want to say sorry... It's heavy on me. It hurts to know that you were in pain."

"You don't ever need to say sorry to me. Just promise me you won't leave me."


A moment of silence rushed over us again.


"Hm?" I hummed in response, still looking out into the dark night.

"Look at me."

I bit the inside of my cheek and I continued to face forward. I didn't think I was ready to see his face because I knew what question was coming up.

He reached over and put his thumb on my chin. He pulled my chin towards him to make me face him. "Tell me, Yumi. Have you really moved on?"

"I..." I didn't have an answer. I just stared back at him, but I slowly felt myself melt in his gaze. I shook off his touch and I faced forward again. "I don't know."

"Because I haven't."

My body immediately turned to him. "Minjun-"

"I know what you're about to say. That the company doesn't allow it and that we're going to path of becoming idols. I don't care I'll be willing to give it up-"

"No Minjun," I coldy cut him off. "None of us are giving this up, but you're right about our relationship. It shouldn't go any farther from here."

I avoided his eye contact.

"Just keep it in mind. That I still love you." 

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