Chapter 78

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Two years later...

"Hello~" I sweetly spoke into the mic, stepping onto the stage in an all-white outfit. I bowed to the 80+ contestants who were clapping and seated before me, and smiled. "I am Choi Yumi, a soloist under OceanGold Entertainment, and I will be one of your Star Mentors for this survival show, Find the Treasures."

The male and female trainees cheered loudly.

I turned to the camera and began explaining for the viewers who would watch this in the future. "Find the Treasures survival program showcases 88 contestants, 44 females and 44 males. Over a course of several months, we will come across thousands of trainees' talents and strengths, and hopefully they will also overcome their weaknesses. In the end, there will be female finalists and male finalists who will make up one female group and one male group that will be given the opportunity to debut." I walked backwards across the stage and lent my hand out, gesturing to all the seated trainees. "Now you may wonder, why include both genders?" I smiled and began to explain carefully, making sure not to stumble my words, "Because knowing how to work together and understand one another is important. After the audition round, as well as the first round, trainees of both boys and girls will be randomly chosen into groups. Through the second and third rounds, they will experience how to respect one another and work together, learning how to highlight each of their strengths and use their weaknesses to their advantages in their performances."

"Now we believe everyone is gifted as they enter this world," a male voice echoed into the room.

The cameras turned to the curtained-entrance located in the middle of one wall that led whoever onto the stage, the same place I entered through to reveal myself.

A tall, pale-skinned, guy with jet black hair, in an all-black outfit appeared. "Here, we find the treasures who are ready to be found and shown to the rest of the world." He walked up to where I stood, standing right beside me. "Hello," he smiled and waved. "I am your other Star Mentor, Minjun, of FLICKER."

The trainees roared in cheer.

I looked over at him and he turned to look at me.

We both smiled. "Let us meet the rest of our mentor crew, and on with the auditions!"


"You don't know what it's like though."

I looked up from the papers presented on the desk in front of me. "Sorry?" I asked the trainees who stood meters before the desk. I was in the middle of evaluating the girls for the fifth and final round. Of the 15 girls, 8 would be cut. I stared at the trainees in confusion.

"You had it the easy way."

I raised an eyebrow. I continued to stare at them, wondering what audacity or thoughts they were having to say such things. None of them budged. I scratched my head, a little thrown off track.

I nonchalantly looked over at the filming staff; some were a little surprised by the trainees' statements while others didn't find anything amusing. I cleared my throat and placed my pen down, "Care to explain? If all of you think that, I want each of you to name a reason, or some type of evidence, that makes you think that."

They seemed a bit hesitant after I confronted them to speak up.

"It's alright. I want to hear what people think."

They exchanged glances between each other before they began to name one thing after another, one by one.

"You were gifted in singing from the start."

"You've been a good dancer since you were little."

"You're pretty even without makeup and you have the golden body ratio."

"You were very successful from the beginning."

"Teachers and judges have always adored you."

"Everyone appreciates you and compliments you."

"You've had connections with the industry."

"You were famous before even becoming an artist."

"You have a high metabolism and so, you don't need to worry about gaining weight."

"You were accepted into several universities because of your high test scores in high school, even when you were actively making music."

"You made it to debut, which more than half of trainees don't get to."

"You're dating one of the hottest male idols in the industry."

"You're in a relationship with Minjun Sunbaenim and still, all your fans love you."

"You're acknowledged even outside Korea and have been invited to shows all across the globe."

"You appear in so many commercials and as cameos in dramas."

"And you're now a mentor and role model for so many people."

The female trainee, who first brought up this topic spoke once more, "You did all this and so much more in a span of a decade. Sometimes it takes idols a decade to get the fame you experienced as a rookie."

I stayed silent for another moment, chewing on my lip as I thought through on how to address their thoughts and feelings. I finally came up with a response.

"Isn't that why you are all here?" I finally asked. I glanced at every one of them, from left to right. "To practice, to get advice, to improve, to debut? Being on this survival show alone, gains you the popularity and interests of other agencies and people, including fans. Being on this survival show gives you the advantage and opportunity to be looked over by high-quality choreographers, dance teachers, vocal trainers, and even active artists." I saw the trainees slowly drop their heads and stare at the floor or other places. "The work and effort and time you put in gives you the results you deserve. Some things happen against your control, even when you do the best you can, but even then, it isn't like your only choice is to continue being hit by the waves, you can learn how to swim through them." I leaned back in my chair and sighed. "And who said I had it easy making it all the way here?"

They didn't give me a response.

I dropped my cold tone and spoke softly, "No one has it easy. And you will almost never know what it's like for each person, unless you've been in their shoes." I sat up in my chair and put my arms down on the table, leaning onto it a little bit. "Guys, look at me. Look up at me."

Slowly, they raised their heads. Some of their eyes glistened with soon-to-be tears.

"I'm sure each of you have your own struggles, and we all have to deal with them, even when we don't want to. I thought this industry was cruel, it took away my brother who had dreams and big hopes for himself and our family, and it is cruel if I'm being completely honest. You guys are training almost 24/7, you're put on diets and are always compared and under strict supervision... You guys are missing out on your lives because of this dream that you have, and I don't blame you."

"I'm sorry!" one of the trainees cried out, falling to her knees as she covered her crying face.

A few other girls looked away and tried to wipe away their tears as unnoticeably as they could.

My words got stuck in my throat at the sight of their tears. Their weak figures reminded me of the thousands of times I cried.

I got up from my chair and walked over, pulling all of them into a massive group hug. "You guys are not giftless. All of you are so unique in your very own ways. The truth is, you might not debut through this program, but I promise, all of you will reach success one day. And that looks different for everyone. Some of you might actually become artists, others sometimes become social media famous- Or maybe you'll go to university and become a famous figure in your major. You might become a CEO and become a millionaire or maybe you'll finally meet the love of your life. No one knows what might happen, but you have all worked so hard, I know you won't ever fail in this life. You guys believe in each other, there are thousands of fans who believe in you, your families and friends believe in you, I believe in you."

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