Chapter 43

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Like that, our debut was canceled. Or at least, pushed back to a time that wasn't determined.

My swelling died down quicker than expected and that allowed me to get my surgery a few days earlier than planned. Even though the surgery was successful, I wasn't allowed to, nonetheless ready to, walk.

I had seen Joori multiple times before my surgery. She had been entering or exiting the psychologist's office. Her arm was put in a cast and she wore a brace around her knees. And even as I saw almost every day, she never seemed to see me.

Not long after my hip surgery, I finally ran into her. That day, she asked me to grab a drink with her and I agreed.

A nurse assisted us both to the cafe located at the lobby of the hospital. She took our orders and delivered them before leaving us for privacy.

We sat across from each other, silent for a few minutes.

"Yumi," she called.

I looked up from my drink and hummed in response.

"Is it okay if I..."

I nodded.

"Did you see what happened?"

"Just... the aftermath."

"Ah..." she frowned. "That's a relief."

"Sorry?" I asked, confused.

She weakly smiled, "I'm glad you didn't have to see what happened."

Gears in my head began turning and I stared at Joori, trying to read her face. "Joori... By any chance, did you...?"

A small tear rolled down her cheek and she smiled. "Yeah..."

I sucked in my breath, not being able to believe my ears.

"I woke up from my sleep as the car honked- I saw you up in your seat, frozen in terror. You tumbled into your seat as the car crashed and even though everything was so hectic, my brain just decided to take in that moment. I saw the glass shattering, I saw all those blinking lights, I saw everything. I have a memory like the fish Dory, but why... just why do I have to remember this?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. "I don't know... I really don't know." I sighed, "I don't know why this happened to all of us." I dropped my face into my hands and closed my eyes, trying to hold in my tears- Not wanting to break down in front of Joori. But the images of my injured members began to play in my head and I shot my eyes open.

"You can't seem to close your eyes, right? I can't either."

"I'm so sorry you had to see all that- I wish I did instead of you."

She shook her head, "No... You even needed surgery, I guess this is what I deserve instead of having bigger injuries."

"Joori, breaking an arm isn't a small deal. And plus, being mentally ill is worse."

She ignored my remarks. "Yumi... I'm going to leave the industry. I've already signed the contract termination notice and once I recover, I'm off. OceanGold, gratefully, insisted on paying for the medical bills."

"But Joori-"

"I spent many years training, but I see no end. I can't possibly keep going on."

I watched her, looking for a hint of doubt in her. There was none. I swallowed a lump in my throat, "I understand."

"Ms. Joori?" the nurse came back. "It's time for your counseling."

She nodded, "Let's go then..." She turned to me, "I'll see you at the funeral."

I nodded and watched her go. I rested my elbows on the table and put my head in my palms. I kept my eyes open.

Was I never supposed to have joined the industry? Why are such tragedies occurring?

I truly was bewildered.

The number of people I had lost through the entertainment world was past the limit of "few." First, Yujun, then, my three members; Hyori, Remi, and Hyeji. But even amongst them, I could only think of Hyeji. It was her birthday and she had just turned seventeen.


We attended the funeral and just as expected, both Joori and I were a mess.

Attending the funeral was more hurtful than ever.

And it may have been the cause of my isolation, but I was willing to send my wishes to my beloved members.

I sat in my wheelchair the whole entire time, hanging my head low, too afraid to see the pictures of Hyori, Remi, and Hyeji.

I even held Hyeji's picture and frame as we made our way to the van outside when boarding the coffins into them.

And as one person burst out in tears, so did I.

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