Chapter 38: Stan's Secret

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What was he doing?

Where was he going?

Did Mabel and Dipper know about this?

No, of course they didn't. Why would Stan be so secretive about it if they knew?

All these questions and probably a thousand more flooded my mind like a tsunami. Before I could prosess any of them, however, Stan was already through the tunnel. And he shut the door on me. Drat.

I walked up to the vending machine cautiously, as if it might explode at any minute. To my luck, the door was ajar. I pried it open carefully and slippd through it. I left it open a crack, in case I needed to make a quick escape.

I could still hear Stan's footsteps. I froze, until I relised they where getting quieter. I let out a sigh, and quietly followed Stan. I was thankful for the socks that muffled my footsteps.

I came to an elevator. It was busy, and going down. I took a deep breath and waited a minute after the lights saying the elevator was going down turned off, I pushed the down button and the door opened. I slipped inside and I started going down. My heart was hammering in my chest. I took a deep breath and swollowed.

The elevator dinged louder then I wanted it to when it hit the bottom level. When the door opened, I gasped.

There was a huge cavern. A lot of old-fashioned technology was scattered here and there, mixed in with a couple modern things, but the thing that really caught my eye was this thing that was really bright and in the shape of an upside down triangle with a circle around it. I could see the outline of a figure standing in front of it. It was Stan.

After gaping at all this for about 30 sec, I thought, hey, if I just stand here like an idiot, Stan might see me and throw me out the the mystery shacl! I glanced at a pile of boxes. That was as good place as any to hide, eh?

I scurried over there, glad that Stan was on the other side of a door. He dkdnt even seem to notice me coming in. I let out a sigh of relief.

I peered over the edge of the boxes to see what Stan was up to. The machine was starting to suck things into it. Stan just grabbed his fez before it went flying into the vortex thingy.

Something was up. If Mabel and Dipper hadn't said anything about this, it meant Stan hadn't told them. But why? They told him everything about being kiddnapped by Bill. Why not this?

I spotted something on the counter. Three books. All old and torn. They looked like journals. I glanced at Stan before I made my way over there. I gabbed the first book I saw and slipped under the desk. I looked down at the cover. Wait, what? It had a six-fingered hand on it like Dipper's journal, but there was a 2 written on it instead of a three.

I grabbed the other two books. Another had a one and then there was Dipper's, with a three. "What the heck?" I asked myself quietly.

I picked up the first journal and started to flip through it. There were even more secrets to Gravity Falls then Dipper and Mabel thought, though some things in this book where the same as the third one. Like Bill nd some other thinga.

I set the first book down and picked up the second one. Before I could open it, there was a sound like a rifle that was ready to shoot. I froze. "Who's there?" Stan called. I slowly looked up. Stan was standing a couple feet in front of me with a gun in his hand.

I gulped. I slowly edged my way out from under the table and but my hands behind my head. "P-please! Don't shoot!"

"Kayla?" Stan asked, though he didn't lower the gun. "What are you doing down here?"


Stan sighed and lowered his gun. "You're sneaky, just like my neice and nephew."

"I learned from the best," I said. I looked around. "What is this place?"

"Just a basement," Stan said with a shrug."

"Then why's it behind the vending machine? And what's that thing?" I pointed to the big portal looking thing.

"That's none of your business," Stan said, crossing his arms. "Now you listen to me, kid. You can't tell Dipper or Mabel about this. If you do, they'll discover it and I'll have to send them home. And even if they don't, they'll tell a government agent or whatever and that could lead to trouble. And if they leave, you will too. Parents or no parents."

"You'd kick me out?" I asked.

"Most likely I'll get in trouble because I'm not your legal guardian and they'll take you to some orphanage and you'll never see your parents again."

"So... I have to keep this a secret." It wasn't a question, it was a statement

Stan nodded. "And you'd better."

"So you're not going to even tell my what this... thing does?"

"Hmm, no."

"Please!" I begged.

"The answer's still no. Now go back to bed."

I crossed my arms. "You can't make me."

"Oh, I think I can." Stan took out a little ball from his pocket. He threw it on the ground and everything went foggy. As soon as I took a breath of that smoke, I started to feel dizzy. The world was swimming in front of my eyes. The last thing I remember was someone picking me up and then everything went black.

Hey y'all!
Did you miss me?
Admit it, you missed me!
^ sorry. Couldn't help myself.
I decided just to make Kayla pass out from some may-or-may-not-be- illegal laughing gas or whatever because I still don't know what Stan's thing does
I hope we find out soon. I need that for my story!
Can't wait until the next episode *squeal*
Or until the next chapter *evil laughter*
I will see all of you later!

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