Chapter 39: Mind Visit

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I woke with a start. Light was streaming in through the window. I rubbed my eyes. Was that a dream? Or did that actually happen? I glanced at Mabel's bed. She was gone. Dipper's bed was empty too. I yawned and got off the air matress.

I walked downstairs to find Dipper and Mabel eating breakfast. Stan was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. "Morning," I said, sitting down.

"You're up!" Dipper said. No, Mabel. I forgot. They switched bodies.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up earlier?" I asked.

"We couldn't," Dipper said, this time it really was Dipper.

"Oh," I said, trying my hardest not to glance at Stan. Whatever he knocked me out with had worked.

I finisned up my eggs and took my plate to the sink. I glanced down at myself. I was still wearing the same clothes I'd came in and hasn't taken a shower in forever. "Hey Mabel? Could I borrow some clothes?"


Mabel, who was actually in Dipper's body, dragged me upstairs. "I've got the perfect thing for you to wear!" Now think of that coming out of Dipper's lips. Ah, body switching. Such awkward moments to remember.

Mabel started to go through all her clothes. "I've got a pair of shorts here that I never wear." Mabel said, pulling out a pair of bright green gym shorts. "And here's a shirt to go with it." She thrusted the shhorts and a orange/yellow shirt into my hands.

"Thanks," I said. "Um, does the shower work up here?"

Mabel nodded. "You have to turn it up all the way to get the warm water. Oh, and if the drain stops working, just pull out whatever's in there."

"Um, oky," I said. I walked towards the bathroom. It was actually pretty nice for being in the Mystery Shack. I took a quick shower and got dressed in Mabel's clothes. Thankfully, they fit. I picked up my old clothes and carried them to the twin's room.

Mabel was sitting on Dipper's bed reading the journal. Wait? Whey was Mab- oh. Its Dipper. Gah! Now I know why Bill switched there bodies! I hope this isn't confusing any of you.

Dipper looked up. "Those are Mabel's?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I guess so. I've never seen her in anything other then a skirt and sweater."

"Hey, where is Mabel?" I asked.

"Probably looking for a new boyfriend in the gift shop."

I gave him a look.

"What?" He asked.

"You're serious?"

Dipper nodded.

"But she's stuck in your body."

Dipper blinked, then jumped up. "Oh, great!" He jumped up, storing the journal in his vest and running downstairs. I chuckled a little to myself. Throwing my clothes on my air mattress, I flopped down on it. What was Bill trying to accomplish with switching Mabel and Dipper's bodies anyway?

"You'll figure that out soon enough," said a voice behind me.

I've gotten so used to Bill sneeking up on me that I barely even flinched. The room went gray and I sat up. "Really?" I asked. "You don't scare me."

"I see you've figured out Stan's secret."

I raised an eyebrow. "How am I not surprised that you know about it?"

Bill shrugged. "When I invaded Stan's mind, I found some useful information in there."

"So you're a demon who can invade people's minds," I said. "So how does that work exactly?"

"Oh," Bill said. "Would you like me to show you?"

I swallowed and shook my head. "I'm good."

"But it'd be so much better than just telling you."

I started to back up, inch by inch. "Uh, no thanks. You've already possessed me twice. I don't need you examining my brain too."

"Aw, but it's been soo long since I've gotten to have a little bit of fun!" Bill complained. Then, everything went back to normal, but then there was a triangular shadow on the wall behind me. It started to move slowly towards me and everything went black.

I don't know why it always ends up with people getting knocked out at the end of each chapter. It's a thing I guess.
Yay! Update!
So happy for all you guys's comments and votes! It really keeps me on my toes with this story.
Also, are these chapters getting really short or is that just me?
Oh, I have thought of so many ending for this book
Most not happy
One you'll just hate me with a passion for.
I'll probably publish like 6 alternate endings after the first one.
It'll be weird when this one ends.
Well, back to pie!
^ yup, I'm trying to make a Gravity Falls reference in all my author notes

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