Chapter 60: Return of the Government Guys

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I woke up in a cold sweat with a gasp. I sat up and made sure that was just a dream. It felt so real! I glanced over at Mabel and Dipper's beds with a sigh of relief. They where both fast asleep. I leaned back down on the air mattress. I wasn't going crazy. I was fine.

I never really got to sleep again after that. I might have dozed off once or twice, but I still saw disturbing images from my dream before.

Soon the sun was up and Mabel was shaking me awake. "Wake up you two! There's something amazing I need to show you!"

I rubbed my eyes as Mabel pulled me and Dipper out of bed. "Come on!" She ran out of the bedroom and we had really no choice but to follow.

She brought us to a room.

"This better be good," Dipper said. "I don't want to regret waking up at 7 am just for something stupid."

"Well, I was open random doors, because I'm a creep," Mabel said, putting her hand on the door nod. "And I found-" She swung open the door and there were a whole bunch of fireworks in there.

"Cool!" Dipper said. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Crazy Rooftop Firework Party?" They said at the same time.

I smiled until Stan stepped out of his room with his arms crossed. "Not so fast," he said. "There is no way you three are setting off tbose illegial fireworks," he paused. "Without me."

We smiled. We grabbed the box and we went to a nice place on the roof of the house with a lawn chair and a cooler. We took out popsicles and sodas as we lit up the fireworks. The police did come, but they're pretty lazy, so we didn't get in trouble.

"We should probably clea. This mess up," Stan said, gestuing to everything that was on fire down below.

"With water ballons?" Mabel asked.

Stan shrugged. "I don't see why not."


We had about 100 or so waterballons filled up in no time, then had this huge waterballon fight in the front yard. Since it was Saturday, the Mystery Shack was closed and that gave us a free day to sit back and enjoy the fun.

I knew I had to tell Stan's secret, but I didn't want to spoil all the fun we where having. Besides, just when this crossed my mind, Stan stood up and cleared his throat. "Kids, I've- I've gotta tell you something. I sat back as Mabel and Dipper walked up to there Grunkle. "I-I'm going to go refresh my soda."

I frowned. Come on, Stan! Really! You got me all excited for nothing! But when Mabel and Dipper turned around, my frown was replaced by a fake loom of confusion and I shrugged.

"What do you think Stan was gonna-"

Mabel was cut off by about six or more cars driving in from all directions. They where all black and a bunch of men in black clothes and sunglasses rushed out of them. A couple ran after Stan, some broke down the door to the Mystery Shack and about four surrounded Mabel, Dipper and me.

"What's going on?" I asked no one in partictular.

The guys ignored my question and said, "Kids're secure" into some sort of comunication device.

Stan was led out with a guy on him and his hands secured behind his back. "I don't get it? What did I do that warrents this much arrest?" They slammed him onto the front of one of the cars.

Mabel and Dipper slipped through the men, but they grabbed me when I tried to follow.

"Grunkle Stan!" Mabel called out.

"Stay back, kids," a very familiar person said.

It was Agent Powers, and right behind him Agent Trigger.

"Stanford Pines. You've been convicted of stealing toxic waste from a government facility."

"What?" Stan asked. "No! I didn't! You have to trust me! Last night I was restocking the gift shop! Honest!"

Stan was pushed into a car.

Two more officers came over and started to take Mabel and Dipper away. "Our uncle Stan might shoplift the occasional tangerine," Mabel said. "But he's not some sort of criminal!"

"I'm sorry kids," Agent Powers said. "But you don't know your uncle at all."

The other government guys took me, Mabel and Dipper into a sepreate car. Stan was knocking on the window. "Kids! You've gotta belive me! For once in my life I'm actually innocent!"

The car drove off in one direction as our car drove off in the other. "Were are you taking us?" Dipper damanded.

"Child Sevices," Agent Trigger said, who was driving our car. "Now watch some mindless reality tv, created to pacify you and keep you from asking questions."

A tv show turned on about this prankster guy. I turned to the twins. I knew I had to tell them about Stan's secret now. But maybe these government guys didn't even know about the lab under the Mystery Shack. What did they accuse him of? Stolen toxic waste?

"What do we do?" Dipper asked. "We have to get out of here!"

"Hmm," Mabel said, looking out the window.

"Hey," Dipper said, pointing to the security camera. "I think I know how to clear Stan's name!"

"The security camera in the gift shop!" Mabel said. "But how do we get out of here?" She looked out the window.

I had to tell them. What was on those tapes? Was Stan in the vending machine on there? I sighed. "Guys... I-I've gotta tell you-"

The car was suddenly rammed into by a logging truck. We were thrown to the side of the road and tumbled into the woods.

I rubbed my head. What was that about.

"Yes!" Mabel said, opening the door. I glanced at the window. It was fading, but it said the words Several Timez is overrated!

I wasn't exactly sure who that was, but I knew it was some sort of boy band that disapeared off the face of the earth earlier this summer.

Mabel and Dipper jumped out of the car. I had no choice but to follow them. Agent Trigger was stuck in a branch. I missed most of the conversation, but he was currently saying "-there playing with waterballons then they're building doomsday devices!"

Dipper was walking away, but I could tell he was hesitating. "You-you don't know what your talking about."

"You're gonna regret this!"Agent Trigger yelled just before the air bag blew up in his face.

I sighed and ran after Mabel and Dipper.

I changed and cut a bit off the actual sceane, but here you go
Author's coming soon
Was that a spoiler?
Y'all probably already knew anyways
Hopefully an update soon!

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