Chapter 34: Explaining To Gruncle

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I almost died from the walk. With the lack of water and food, I was pretty weak. I could tell Dipper felt the same way, but he didn't say anything.

Mabel was a dead weight between us. She was outcold, which didn't help us any. At times, my vision atarted to get black and fuzzy on the edges, but somehow I didn't pass out.

When the Mystery Shack was in veiw, Dipper and I sped up. We'd made it. We dragged Mabel to the front door and sat down heavily. All we could hear was the sound of our own heavy breath and heartbeats. "," I gasped.

Dipper just nodded.

After a couple minutes of rest, I gathered myself and stood. I opened the door and found myself, not in the shop, but in another part of the house. I'd never entered this way before.

Dipper stood up too and grabbed Mabel under the armpits and dragged her in. I helped him get her up on the recliner, then we both relaxed. We were free. We'd gotten rid of Gideon and, for now, Bill. I leaned against the chair and took some deep breaths. My mouth was still parched, but I didn't want to make Dipper get me any and my legs weren't ready yet, so I just sat there for a little bit.

We sat there for a few minutes, resting. Then we heard a door slam. I jerked up. I glanced at Dipper. He had reacted in the same way. It came from the front door, the one we came in.

There was a loud sigh and footsteps. A man walked in. The lights where off, so we couldn't see who it was at first. The man was in a suit and his hair was messed up as if he'd been sleeping restlessly. He reached for the lightswitch and flipped the lights on. It was Stan.

When Stan saw up, he froze, open mouthed. We reacted in the same way. He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses. "Dipper?" He asked. "Mabel?"

"Hey, Grunkle Stan," Dipper said weakly.

Stan stood there, stunned for a few moments, then he blinked. "Where have you three been!"

"Um..." Dipper tried to think of an excuse.

"Grunkle Stan?" Said a weak voice. We all turned to Mabel. Her eyes where cracked half open.

"Mabel!" All three of us said at once.

"A-are we safe?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah," Dipper said. "We're back in the shack."

"Good," Mabel said. Her voice was hoarse like Dipper and mine. "What's our next move?"

"Next move?" Stan asked. "Safe? What's going on here? I've been searching through all of Gravity Falls for you kids!"

"Uh..." Dipper started. "You might want to sit down."

"And we should get some food and water," I said. "We're gonna need it."

I stood up, but as soon as I did, the world started to swim in front of my eyes. I leaned on the arm of the chair for support. I'd passed out once before from dehydration, and I wouldn't want to feel that again. Especially since last time I fractured my verebrae, but that's beside the point.

I took a deep breath and everything stabled. Everyone was looking at me with concern written all over there faces. "Could I have some water?" I asked.


We all sat down at the table with snacks and water in front of us. I munched on some chips, trying not to stuff mouthfuls in my mouth. They tasted so good!

"So what happened to you three?" Stan asked, worry etched his face. "I told your parents that I'd take care of you, and I can't have you running off like that."

"Um," Mabel began. "I wouldn't really call that running off."

So then we started to tell Stan about what had happened to us. We tried to hose it down a little, but I don't think it helped. Stan's face went pale when we went into too much detail.

"Man," Stan said when we finished. "I really need to get you kids a cell phone."

Ok, of everything we told him, that's what he says?!

Stan set his hands on each of Mabel and Dipper's shoulder. "I can't belive that this happened to you under my watch."

"Its okay," Mabel said. "We forgive you."

"Yeah," Dipper said. "I mean, its not like its your fault there's a bunch of weird things happening in Gravity Falls."

I saw a glint in Stan's eyes. It was just there for a second, maybe less, but I swear I saw something. Did Stan know why Gravity Falls was so weird?

Ah, I'm just a little superstitius. I mean, I was just captured by a psyco prison escapee and a dream demon. All I needed, was a little rest and my parents back. What was happening to them right now? Maybe they where back home because Bill was gone now and maybe, just maybe they escaped. It was doubtful. There where probably wherever Bill was. Before I knew it, a tear silently rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, but Mabel noticed. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing," I said, another tear falling.

"Is it your parents?" Dipper asked.

I bite my lip and nodded. I could feel my emotional barrier falling to peices. Mood swings. One thing I hated about being a teenage girl.

Mabel pulled me into a hug. The tears fell faster now, until my act of trying to be tough was shreaded tl peices, leaving me heartbroken. I sobbed hard into Mabel's shoulder. "I just want them back!"

I know y'all have been waiting for a super awesome chapter for a while, and you get this
Stupid writers block!
But I think the rest of the story's starting to develop in my head
I think Gideon's out of the picture for good, but we'll see
I've got a few ideas knocking around in this brain of mine
Also, wow.
Like all these reads!?!!?!
Y'all are so awesome!
I also love how supportive you are!
I try tovupdate fast for you guys, but stuff gets in the way
So, hope you liked this chapter, hopefully they'll be some more exciting things happening and no more emotional breakdowns
Till next time!

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