Chapter 62:More Like See Ya Later

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The next day, I had to leave.

My parents would be waking up soon and I had to be there for them. What more could I do here?

Dipper offered to take away my dream demon powers. I shook my head. "You never know when they could come in handy."

"But what if they go out of control?"

I shrugged. "I guess you could send me a copy of the instructions. They're in journal number two."

I'd already confessed that I knew about Stan's secret to everyone. They took it surprisingly well. Although, I could tell Dipper was a little hurt that I didn't tell them.

I was sitting, packing up my stuff alone in the twin's room when Mabel walked in. "Need help?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I'm pretty much done."

"Well, I guess that you can say you had a pretty intresting summer vacation, right?"

I smiled. "Yeah, but no one's gonna belive me."

Mabel shrugged. "I know. So what are you going to use those powers for anyway?"

"I probably won't use them," I said.

"Then why didn't you let Dipper take them away."

I shrugged. "I guess they give me a sense of not really being the weak one anymore, even if no one else knows about it."

"Well, before you go, I made you something." Mabel walked over to her bed and pulled something out from under it. "I made this a while ago, but I wasn't sure who to give it to."

She handed me a wad of clothing. I unfolded it and found a teal colored sweater with a pink heart sewn onto it.

I smiled. "Thanks."

Mabel shrugged. "I've tried to make Dipper one, but he refuses to wear them."

"Well he's crazy if he won't. This is awesome."

Mabel punched me lightly in the arm. "Hey, what are friends for?"


I had my bag over my shoulder, waiting for Stan to drive me into town. He was in a deep conversation with his brother in the living room. He eventually just told Soos to drive us.

I wondered what my parents where going to be like after this whole thing. "I wonder if I should erase my parents memory of this place," I said.

"Sounds like the best thing, I guess," Dipper said. "Soos, can you stop at the museum so we can pick the mind eraser up?"

"I don't need to," Soos said, holding it up.

"Wait, when did you even get that?" I asked.

"I thought it could be useful in case Kayla thought Bill was, like, still her friend or something."

"Soos! That's awesome!" Mabel said. "Good thinking."

Soos shrugged. "I guess so." He handed it to me. I sighed. I'd really have to use this on my parents.

A couple minutes later, Soos came into the driveway. "You guys stay out here," I said. "They might still remember you."

Dipper and Mabel nodded.

I walked up to the house. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open. It was still pretty dark in there. I flipped on the lightswitch. Everything was still scattered everywhere. I walked into my parent's room. They where still asleep. I walked over to my mom and shook her slightly. "Mom?"

Her eyes fluttered open. "Kayla? W-where am I. "W-what..." she sat bolt upright. "T-there was this strange triangle thing that...and those two kids...and you don't know us..."

"I do, mom," I said with a smile. I gave her a hug. She seemed surprised, but she hugged me back. I almost felt bad for having to erase her memories. But one look into her eyes and I knew she wanted to forget.

I let go and shook dad awake. He opened his eyes. "Kayla...what...?"

I pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry, I remember you!"

He smiled. "Well that's good."

I swollowed and let go. "Are we ready to go home then?" I asked.

Mom smiled. "Yes. I think that'd be the best idea."

"First," I said. "You'll need to forget this town."

"What?" Both my parents said.

I raised the mind eraser. My parents looked at me, shocked. "You're not going to-"

I cut my dad off by pulling the trigger. Then I threw the machine under the bed. As soon as I stood up, my parents where sitting up and rubbing their heads. "W-what happened? Where are we?"

"Mom, dad!' I rushed over to them and wrapped my arms around them. "We're in Gravity Falls. You both suffered from major concussions in an acedent at the falls. The doctor suggested that we'd get home as soon as possible."

My parents nodded. They started to pack up whatever they had unpacked. I grabbed my own bag out of Soos' trunk. Mabel and Dipper hoped out. Mabel wrapped her arms around me tightly. "I hope we gave you a super fun summer."

"You did," I said.

Mabel let go and Dipper held out his hand to me. Typical. I shook it. "Maybe we could write?" Dipper asked. "I-I don't have a phone yet."

I shrugged. "Sure." I took out a peice of paper and wrote my address on it. Then I wrote my phone number under it. "And if you ever need me, just ask."

Dipper took the paper and stuck it in his pocket. "Thanks. When I get a phone, I'll text you."

"Me too," Mabel said.

I smiled at both of them. There was a horn honk. I turned to see my parents waiting for me. "I've gotta go," I said. "Bye."

"No," Mabel said. "Goodbyes are too serious. More like...see ya later?"

I smiled and nodded. "Well then, see ya later."

I walked over to my car, waving to Soos on the way. I set my stuff down in the seat next to me and buckled up. My dad started the car and I waved goodbye to my frinds one last time.

No, not goodbye...see ya later.

And with that, we drove out of Gravity Falls.

The End
There's gonna be an epiloge and maybe even a few alternet endings!
Don't lame out on me just yet!
Well, I guess you could stop here, but where's the fun in that?

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