Chapter 47: Answers

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I found Stan soon after that. He was handcuffed the a pole, sitting in a chair. When he spotted me coming over, he looked down.

"What happened?" I asked him.

Stan sighed and looked up. "This is all my fault."

"How?" I asked. "Was it something to do with that machine behind the vending machine?"

"Shh!" Stan said with a hard look in his eyes. "You can't let these government agents know about that!" He said quietly.


"Just...because they can't."

I crossed my arms. "That's not an answer." When he didn't respond, I went on. "Is this what you mean by Mabel and Dipper being sent home or taken away or whatever?"

Stan didn't answer right away, but he finally nodded. "These agents can't find out about the portal."

"What does it do, anyway?" I asked, hoping to get an actual answer.

Stan raised an eyebrow at me. "Your gonna have to do better then just asking."

I sighed. "Fine. How about you tell me, or I'll tell the agents about the portal."

"You tell those agents and you'll never see your folks again."

I bit my lip. He had a point. I mean, if Dipper and Mabel were sent home, or worse, taken to a government facility for something there uncle did, I won't only lose two of my best friends. I'd lose my chance of finding my parents. I sighed. "Fine. You tell me and I'll try to get a key to free you."

"They'd catch me in a second," Stab said.

"Is there anything I can give you for you to say yes?"

Stan shrugged. "Got a million bucks up your sleeve?"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "You're impossible!"

I spun on my heal and walked away. Stan was laughing behind me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to where Mabel was still strapped to the examination table. I'm not sure where they where keeping Dipper, but at least I knew where Mabel was.

They'd injected her with the same stuff they had to Dipper after they got a new syringe. She was out cold. I pulled up a stool and sat next to her. I was tempted to hide my head in my arms and cry right now. The only two who could tell me exactly what to do where unconscious and currently being controlled by a dream demon. I felt completely helpless in this facility with all these strange faces and them not really bothering with me.

The room went black and white. The worst triangle ever showed up.

"Go away, Bill," I said.

"Aw, someone's grumpy," Bill said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Can't you just leave me alone for five minutes?"

Bill shrugged. "What would be the fun in that?"

I didn't answer. I just kept looking at Mabel. She looked as if she knew exactly was going on.

"Ah," Bill said. "Your wondering how I can take over both Shooting Star and Pine Tree at the same time, eh?"

I didn't answer, even though that's exactly what I was thinking.

"Well," Bill started, twirling his cane around his wrist. "You see, when I switched them back to there own bodies, I left them a little gift. Part of my soul."

"How...thoughtful," I said.

"Ha! You don't know the half of it! Anywho, in doing this, I made myself slightly less powerful but this means I can control more then one person. I think I can go up to twenty before I'm too weak. Anyway, you get the idea."

I nodded. "But why? Your just weakening yourself."

"Ha," Bill said. "That's what you think. Actually, my brilliance sometimes even gets me! By doing this, I can do three things at once! And I know about Pine Tree's little trick with the journal, just so you know. Trying to trick me with a replica? Ha! Amateur mistake! See ya soon, Short Stack!" Then he was gone.

When I returned to reality my mouth was gaping open. He knew about the replica!

Oops, short chapter
Oh well
At least it's an update
Also sort of explains how Bill can take over Dipper and Mabel at the same time
I really want to say what Stan's portal dose, but I honestly don't want to be wrong. I'll think of something probably
I can't wait to see how this'll go down honestly!
Sometimes not even I know what's gonna happen next
It just comes to me
Well, hope y'all enjoy this story
And I'm so glad for all of you who like my new cover
I'll be honest, digital art just isn't my forte
Catch ya on the rewind!

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