Chapter 40: Going Home

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^thats just a little doodle of Kayla i made way before this fanfic was started. I changed the shorts to green in the story, so I hope this doesn't confuse you!

I woke up to Dipper and Mabel's worried faces. "Wha-what happened?" I asked in a tired voice.

"We were about to ask you the same thing," Dipper said.

My mind went blank. "I-I don't remember." (A/N: in this part, the last thing she remembers is laughing as Dipper ran out of the room. Her memories will come back some time later)

"How can't you remember?" Mabel asked. "You where out for like an hour."

"An hour?" I said, rubbing my head. "But I was only out for what felt like a few minutes.

Dipper shrugged. "So you can't remember anything?"

I racked my brain. "No. But I've got a pretty good idea it has something to do with Bill."

Dipper looked as if that had confirmed his suspitions. Mabel grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Well, if anything comes back, I'll make sure to tell you."


Dipper, Mabel and I walked into the gift shop. There were dozens of tourists buzzing around the room. Moms tugging on there kids, people lauging at the Stan bobble heads, people looking through t-shits and hats, waiting to be checked out by Wendy, really anything you could imagine going on in a gift shop.

"And that concludes our tour." Stan was leading a tour group out of the museum part of the shack. "I'll collect you're money now."

People practically threw there money at Stan. "Who'd even pay for this?" I asked Mabel and Dipper.

Mabel shrugged. "I guess its a mystery."

"I really think that Stan would get even more money from these tourist if he actually showed them different creatures that are real."

"Why doesn't he?" I asked. "All of his attractions are just sad."

"Stan's a mystery," said a voice behind us. We all whipped around to see Soos, who was going around the shop with a broom, doing some last minute clean up.

"You where listening the whole time?" I asked.

Soos put his hands up, causing the broom he was holding to drop and hit a bunch of snow globes, knocking them the ground and causing them to break. "Oops, sorry dudes."

I winced at the mess. Stan rolled his eyes and Mabel gave Soos a look of pity. "Its okay, Soos," Dipper said.

Soos started to clean up the mess. "Sorry I couldn't help but over hear you dudes' conversation," he said as he started to clean up the globes. "So where have you dudes been for the last hour?"

I scratched the back of my head. "I can honestly say I have no idea."

Soos raised an eyebrow at me, so Mabel and Dipper told him the story of what happened. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of what had happened. Like the memory was missing somehow...

"Kayla?" said a voice that snapped me out of my thoughts. Mabel was waving her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Kayla. You there?"

I blinked and shook my head. "Sorry. Just lost in thought I guess."

"I asked you if we could find any clues at the house you and your parents are staying at to find Bill."

How had they gotten on this subject. "Okay," I said nodding. "That'd be good. Maybe he left a vote on the inside too."

"Exactly," Dipper said. "Hey, Soos, could you drive us into town?"

"Sorry, dude," Soos said. "Stan's got a list of things to fix today." Soos took a piece of paper out of his pocket. "The sink, the fridge, the VCR, the AC..."

"I get the picture," Dipper said. "Well, I guess we're walking."


It took us a good half an hour at the least to walk into town. A couple cars went to and from the Mystery Shack. At least, I asumed that's where they where going. The only other place to go was in the woods.

As we walked, I swear I could feel the little creatures and maybe even some monsters' eyes following us. You know that feeling of being watched? Yeah, I felt it.

We went directly to the house that me and my parents where suppose to be staying in. On the way there, we bumped in Pacifica.

"Ugh! Watch it, losers!" She said as we passed by. She was glaring at Dipper, who was actually Mabel. I remembered when Bill had used Dipper to flirt with Pacifica. Now that would be a sight I'd pay to see. "Mabel, did you give you're brother here the talking to he needs?"

"Um, right here," Dipper said, with a confused look on his face. Well, Mabel's face.

Mabel, who was Dipper at the moment, smiled at Pacifica. "Yup! She told me to follow his dreams."

Pacifica gave her a disusted look. "Well your dreams better change, because I'll never date such a loser if we where the last people alive!" She spun on her heel with her arms tightly crossed and stomped off.

The whole time I was fighting not to burst out laughing. When she was out of range I let it out. Mabel was laughing too. Dipper still had that confused look on his/Mabel's face that only made us laugh harder.

"Um, what's she talking about?" He asked us.

Mabel took a deep breath. "Ok," she said, getting the last of her giggles out. "When Bill possesed you, you probably don't remember with all the stuff that was going on-"

"Actually," Dipper said. "I barely remember what I did when Bill took over my body. I was so exausted most of the time I usually passed out."

"And Bill took over fully?" I asked.

Dipper nodded. "So, what happened?"

Mabel smiled again. "You tried, well, Bill tried to ask out Pacifica. With your body of course."

"What!?" Dipper said. "Nonono!" His face turned a slight pink color, which made me giggle again. Them being in different bodies just made the whole thing seem funnier. "Oh my gosh!" He said. "And now she thinks I like her?! Oh where's the Society of the Blind eye when you need them!"

"The what of the blind eye?" I asked.

"Nevermind," Dipper said.

"Let's get going, lover boy," Mabel said, pulling her brother along, which was actually Dipper pulling Mabel to anyone else. Sheesh, Bill! Why'd you have to make everything so compacated!

Dipper shot her a look. "Shut up."

We made it to my home away from home. I swollowed as I went up to the steps. There was still that lingering sence of dread about it, but now it was worse. It felt... dead.

I turned the doornob...

...and it opened.

Yay! Update!,
Hopefully some action for the next chaper.
Needed to bring the "Dipper" and Pacifica thing back
Who even remembered when I put that in?
I should draw Kayla more often
I always make my authors notes so loonnnggg!
Well, I will see you later!
^ Yup, still trying to keep the quotes comin'!

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