Chapter 54: Memory Flop

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I woke up, having the best sleep I had in a while. I was about to get up when I heard Bill talking to someone. "Now, remember, she doesn't remember you two. She's not going to be like she was before. The Pine twins whiped her memory. There dangrous."

"But they're just children," said a woman's voice. In the deepest part of my mind, I knew I'd heard that voice before. But who was it? No one came to mind.

I sat up, spitting hair out of my mouth.

There was a man and a woman standing in front of Bill. When I saw them, I felt the same feeling from when I heard the woman's voice. I knew that I'd known them before, but where? Who where they?

The lady stole a glance over at me. Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face. "Kayla!" She ran over and wrapped her arms around me. The man came close after her. I frowned. What was this? I shot a look at Bill and mouthed Who are these creeps?

"Ahem," Bill cleared his throat. "Like I was saying. Since the Pine twins whipped her memory, she may not remember you."

The man and woman let go of me. "But how could she forget us? We're her parents for pete's sake!"

Parents? So Bill found where the twins where keeping them and brought them here.

"Um, sorry," I said. "Like he said, I don't remember you."

The woman's-my mom's- eyes filled with tears. "What do you mean you don't remember us?"

"Well, there was this gun that took away my memories, and apparently it took you two out of them," I said.

"You can't trust them!" Came a yell. Dipper was awake and have been listening in. My mother put a hand to her heart when she saw him. "He's lying!"

"My goodness," my mom said. "But he's just a boy. Why would he do this to Kayla?"

Bill shrugged. "People do crazy things," Bill said, putting his hands on Dipper's shoulders. "When they're in love."

"What!" Dipper and I said at the same time.

"You see," Bill said. "After Kayla rejected the kid's affections, he decided to get revenge. If he erased her memory of him in the past, he'd have another chance with her. He erased you two so she wouldn't have anyone to bless the marrage."

"No!" Dipper said quickly. "That's not true! And where did the whole marrage thing come in?" Dipper took a deep breath. "Bill took her memory to use against me and Mabel. He also made her forget you because he made the machine say loved ones."

"What a bunch of bullcrap," Bill said. "If I was the bad guy here, then why was I helping her get her memories back?"

"Because you needed to gain her trust!"

"Could someone just explain to me what's going on?" My dad yelled.

"Um, the triangle and the boy are arguing about who's right. I'm thinking its the triangle. He did get us out of that dark prison, did he not? And who wouldn't like Kayla?"

Oh, so she was that kind of mom.

"If he tried to ask out my daughter, I'll break him like a toothpick!'

Dipper held his hands up as far as they would go. "No! I didn't!"

"Everyone listen up!" I yelled.

Everyone turned to me. I had my arms crossed over my chest.

"What I want to know," I said. "Is how do I get my memories back?"

There was silence. I looked at Dipper for help. I could see that he wanted to tell me, but he kept silent. He caught my eye and gave me a look that said, I'll help you later. I looked to Bill. He simply shrugged.

Suddenly, some sort of gas started to hiss out of nowhere. It didn't affect me, but my parents fell to the ground. Bill floated over and incased them in a glowing yellow thing. "Sorry. I had to knock them out somehow."

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," Bill said. "I'm just trying to keep them out of danger."

"But what about when they wake up?" I asked.

"Aw, they'll be out for a few days. But when they do wake up, here's this." A peice of paper apeared out of nowhere. I took it and read it over. Hey, mom and dad. There was a bit of an accedent with the falls. You've been in the hospital for a few days with serious concussions. The doctors advised that I stay away while you two heal. I'm at a friends house. Don't worry about me! See ya soon! Feel better!

"How do you know my handwriting?" I asked Bill.

"I know lots of things," Bill said.

"So, you promise that you'll get them home safe?"

"What are friends for?"

He was gone with a flash.

As soon as he disapeared, I took the memory tube out of my pocket and walked over to Dipper. "Your showing me this."

Dipper nodded. "On one condition. Mabel comes with."

I've been trying to update more freqently, because I relized how annoying waiting for the next chapter can be!
So here's an update!
I finally found a loop to get Kayla's parents back with!
Thank goodness!
I thought she'd end up an orphan to be honest.
Well,- I just relized that I say that a lot!
Anywho, see y'all next chapter!

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