Chapter 15: Planning

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It took us twice the time it took me to get back to the Mystery Shack. Which was understandable, because Dipper was having troubles. He said he was fine, but I guessed he may have pnemona or something. He was in that ice for a while. I just hoped I was wrong.

We finally got to the Mystery Shack. Mabel was supporting Dipper and the bag was getting heavier. "What about your uncle?" I asked.

Mabel shrugged. "He won't mind," she said. "We come home like this all the time. I'm sure he won't belive us if we told him what happened though. We should really get you home. Your parents must be worried sick!"

I nodded. "Let's get back to the Mystery Shack first," I said. "Then I can go home."

We made our way to the Mystery Shack. I opened the door and let Mabel and Dipper in, then followed them. It was early morning and there was no one in the gift shop. "Gruncle Stan must be giving a tour." Mabel said. Mabel lead Dipper over to a chair and set him down. "I'll go get you some Mabel juice," she said. "That'll warm you up!"

Dipper gagged. "Please don't."

Mabel hit him in the shoulder. "I'm joking! I'll get you some hot cocoa. You want anything, Kayla?"

I shrugged. "I guess I'm a little hungry."

"I'll make you an omlet," she said.

"Um, okay," I said. Mabel slipped into the kitchen.

I looked at Dipper and rose a eyebrow. "Mabel juice?" I asked.

"Best not to think about it," he said. "Its just a drink Mabel invented."

I nodded. I could see Mabel doing that.

"Um, Kayla," Dipper said.


"I just wanted to thank you for saving my butt out there."

I shrugged. "I'm guessing you would've done the same for me. What are friends for?"

Dipper smiled a little. It was nice to have someone watching your back every once in a while.

Then I remembered something. "Wait, what about Bill?"

The slight smile disapeared from Dipper's face. "Oh gosh!" He said. "This is all my fault!" He said. "If I didn't summon him, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"You where just trying to protect Mabel," I said. "Don't worry. If I had a sibling, I would totally do anything I can to protect them."

"But I might have put, not only Mable, but also you and me in danger!" Dipper said. "This is worse then when I raised the dead!"

"Wait, what?"

"Nevermind," Dipper waved it off. "Anyway, we've got to find out a way to get rid of Bill. Get me a black light!"

I nodded and ran up to the attic, leaving behind the jounal for Dipper. I remembered seeing one earlier. It was around here somewhere...

"Aha!" I said in triumph. I grabbed the black light and ran down the stairs. I went into the shop and handed the black light to Dipper. He took it and held it up to the page on Bill. His eyes lit up. "Here!" He put his finger on a paragraph. "This demon can be driven out by tricking it into saying where he secretly hides when he's not summoned," Dipper read. "How are we going to do that?"

"Are you good at manipulating people?" I asked.

"Actually, Mabel's better at it," Dipper said. "I guess we'll let Mabel handle this one, but we should stay right behind her. Okay, can you call her in so we can think of a plan?"

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