Chapter 44: A Surprise

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I held the grapling hook in front of me, just in case. Dipper said not to use it unless we were given no choice. Trust me, I didn't want to hurt Mabel either.

When we got downstairs, I was shocked to find this place so... unkept. Chairs where knocked over, drinks spilled, something was burning on the stove and the tv was on. Had Bill already gotten to Stan?

I kept glancing at Dipper's cut. I knew it needed attention. Dried blood was surrounding it. "What?" Dipper asked, catching my eye.

"Come here," I said. I grabbed his vest and dragged him into the kitchen. "Sit."

He did so. "What is it?"

"I'm not letting that cut get infected."

"Its not that bad," Dipper said, crossing his arms. He stood up again. "We have more important issues right now."

"Sit." I crossed my arms.

We had a mini staring contest, but being the older one has its perks. Dipper sighed with and eye roll and sat back down.

I smiled to myself when I was wetting a cloth. "Here," I said, handing it to him. "Press this down on the cut."

"Are you sure you know what your doing?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Trust me. My mom's a nurse."

"Okay," Dipper said, pressing the cool cloth near his eye. He winced a little.

I grabbed something to hopefully stop the scab from opening again. He took the cloth away and I looked closer at the cut. It was a little deeper then I thought. I bit my lip. I couldn't be throwing up now. Oh, but I hated blood!

I took some of the medicine and rubbed a little on the cut. Dipper jumped. "What?" I asked, scared it hurt him.

"Nothing," Dipper said. "Its just ice cold."

I nodded. "Sorry. Can't help that."

When I was done, Dipper stood up. "Okay, now let's go find Mabel."


We searched the house, but we couldn't find her. Or really anyone. The house was empty.

"Where do you think they could be?" I asked Dipper.

"I don't know."

We stepped outside. There was a single car sitting outside. I found it a little weird, but Dipper's eyes widened. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back inside.

"What is it?" I asked.

Dipper didn't answer me. He snuck to the nearest window and peered out. I had no choice but to follow him. "What?" I asked again.

"I thought the zombies got them," Dipper muttered.

"Zombies?" I asked. "Dipper, what are you talking about?"

"The agents."

At that moment, the door was thrown open. Dipper and I jumped. Two men came in. One was holding a fun. I gasped.

"Remain calm," the one with dark brown hair said.

Dipper swallowed. "What do you want with us?" Maybe it was out of habit, but Dipper put an arm out in front of me.

The man with the dark hair sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but, Dipper, we need your help.

Plot twist!
Who even saw that coming?
Thanks so much for all your support with this story
Intense chapters to come (maybe I don't know)

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