Chapter 12: The Firecrystal

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I gather some materials that I might need. A flashlight, a bag, gloves, rope (you never know), the journal and I borrowed a jacket. I wasn't sure if it was Dipper's or Mabel's but I needed it and it was warm.

I slipped back downstairs. Luckly, the Shack was still open. I ran through the shop without being noticed and slipped outside. I ran into the forest. "Okay, so where does this start?"

I looked around. Well, there was the road I had to follow, I think. I walked over to it and followed the map. It turned off the road after a little bit. I ran into two trees, tripped over four big rocks and fell down three hills. Thanks journal for being so helpful.

The started to slowly creep down. I took out my flashlight and a thought hit me. My parents! Oh, man! What was I going to tell them? Where they worried? Did they already call a police party to search for me? Oh, man!

I pushed the thought away. I had to tackle this task. I had to save Mabel and Dipper. They're my friends! My parents would have to wait!

I flipped on the flashlight. The woods seemed extreamly creepy at night. The trees swayed like living shadows and owls hooted. Wolves howled, crows shreked, my footsteps ecoed. Every sound sent a chill down my back.

There was a dull glow from about half a mile away. It was dull, but noticable. I was guessing it was the crystal. I hoped it was the crysal.

I slipped down a patch of mud and took the hill in front of my. I admit, I screamed a little. It was a miricle I didn't hit any trees or rocks on my way down. I rolled and sat until my vistion was clear and my head wasn't spinning. "Ouch."

When I could finally see, I noticed that what I had though to me half a mile away wasn't really that far at all. It was there, twenty feet in front of me. "Woah."

The crystal was huge! Like, taller then me! I estimated about six feet of pure, glowing, magma, if you froze magma in time, this is what it would look like. I smiled. Yes! This was perfect! I'd just have to take a little peice of it and use it to melt Dipper out of the ice! I could already feel the crystal's heat.

I jumped up and brushed myself off. I got about ten feet to the crystal before I stopped and relised that it might be protected. My eyes and flashlight darted from side to side, seeking out any creatures. There was nothing. I kept moving.

I picked up a stick lying next to me. I touched the crystal with it. It caught on fire. "Woah!" I said. I threw the stick down and stomped on it before it caught everything on fire. Okay, hiw would I get this without burning myself?

I looked around the crystal. There where smaller ones litered around the bigger one. I got down and found that someone had left a screwdriver behind when they where getting one. I picked it up and walked over to one of the little ones that was about the length of my hand. I poked at it with the screwdriver until it fell.

I looked in my bag. Nothing. I sighed and took my jacket off. I carefully wrapped it around the crystal, making sure not to burn myself. Even with the protection, I could still feel the heat of it. Luckly, there wasn't enough crystal to make a fire from the jacket. I stuffed it in my bad then got the journal. I shined my flashlight on the map. "Where's Gideon have Mabel and Dipper again?" I asked myself.

I scanned the map, looking for something familiar. I saw the place where I started, a couple roads and- wait! There it was! Gopher Road! It looked only about a mile off from here on the map. I smiled. "Oh, thank goodness."

I turned in that direction. Things where starting to look up. Soon I'd free Dipper and Mabel, see my parents, have a normal summer, and be Bill free! I walked, following the trail, with a spring in my step.

I made my way over a hill and there was the building. 412 Gopher Road. I smiled. Nothing could stand in my way!

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