Chapter 56: Bill's a Human, Again

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I sat on my bed of blankets shivering. I wasn't cold. I was scared. Scared of myself. If I didn't do anything, maybe I'd be safe. Mabel and Dipper where subduded again, leaving me as prison guard once again. I wasn't much help though. If they escaped, they could run right past me.

The last time I looked up, which was probably half an hour ago, Mabel and Dipper had been giving me concerned looks. Now I could hear them fainty talking to each other. I would get up and make them shut up, but I couldn't bring myself to even stand.

There was a yellow flash and the quiet buzz of talk from Mabel and Dipper stopped.  "I'm back!" He aparently spotted me, because he asked, "What's up, Sh-um, Kayla?"

"Nothing," I whispered.

"Okay, what'd you two do?"

"Nothing," Dipper said. "Maybe she's becoming insane like you."

"That's weird," Bill said. "These kind of things aren't contageous."

I blinked hard. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I wouldn't. I needed help. That's all I knew and all I cared about.

"Don't you see?" Dipper was saying. "You need to help her! She's your friend, isn't she?"

"Can it, Pine Tree," Bill said. "I'll take care of this." I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. What's going on?"

I pushed his hand off. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Is it something the Pines did?"

I closed my eyes and nodded my head. "T-they showed me my memories. But that's not the problem. I just feel... empty."

"Empty?" Bill asked.

I nodded. "I'm actually feeling a little useless too. All I do is babysit these kids and sit around doing nothing."

"That's great!" Bill said. I shot him a hurt looked. He cleared his throat. "Um, I mean, that means you can help me with something."

"What?" I asked.

"Well, I need a body."

"A body?"

"Yeah," Bill said. "You can't just go walking around as a triangle, can you? If you help me, I'll be able to maintain a human body for just as long as I'll need it. So, what do you say? Wanna help?"

I shrugged. "Okay."

"No, Kayla! You can't trust him!" Dipper yelled.

I glared at him. "Shut it, Pines."

"Don't listen to him!" Dipper said, ignoring me. "He's crazy!"

"Oh, so I guess I'm crazy too, hm?"

Bill extended his hand to me. "Just take it and I'll do the rest."

I nodded. "Okay," I said taking it.

Oh, that was a mistake.

A cold feeling went through my arm to my entire body. I felt cold and dizzy and wanted to throw up. Bill laughed at me. "Pleasure doing buisness with you, Short Stack."

I tried to open my mouth, but nothing would come out. It was even hard to open it. There was a dull pain on side of my brain. A gentle thump that was just loud enough to hurt.

"You sure are gullable," Bill said with a laugh. He was changing right in front of my eyes. His legs extended out into human legs with black pants and polished dress shoes. His arms turned more human and had yellow sleeves of an overcoat. He developed a head and torso. His blond hair was glowing slightly with a top hat resting on it. He had a yellow suit and an eyepatch.

Bill gently pushed my to my side with his foot. "Hope you don't miss the show. Your friends here are gonna pay for what they did."

I opened my mouth, but still nothing came out.

Bill laughed again. "Yup. I was controling these two as you were fighing them. And I changed your memories. I'm also the one that hit you with the memory gun. Well, I'll deal with you later, Short Stack. I've got some things to take care of."

I watched Bill pretty much beat up Mabel and Dipper. I was pretty much half consious the whole time. Mabel and Dipper screamed for help, but I couldn't move.

I thought Bill would kill my friends until there was a shout of "Hey! You leave my neice and nephew alone!"

Then everything finally went black.

This was kinda short
So Kayla's pretty much back to normal.
Shame. It was kinda fun writing her like that tbh

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